

August 10, 2021

Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisoners: Maryia Kalesnikava

In September 2020, the prominent Belarusian opposition figure Maryia Kalesnikava was abducted from Minsk and taken to the border where security forces tried to expel her from the country; she ripped up her passport in defiance. In the days that followed she was charged with incitement to undermine national security and placed in pre-trial detention. The letter that follows was written by Maryia Kalesnikava to her father on 16 July 2021, the day the Supreme Court rejected her complaint regarding the extension of her detention until 1 August.

May 27, 2021

Вимушений покинути Білорусь через захисту прав людини

12 квітня 2021 року білоруська влада змусила українського правозахисника Володимира Яворського залишити країну протягом 48 годин і попередила його не повертатися протягом десяти років. Його справа – ще один приклад безпрецедентного нападу на білоруське громадянське суспільство. Освітній Будинок прав людини в Чернігові (EHRHC) та HRHF поговорили з Яворським, який зараз проживає в Україні, про його допит, загрози його родині та його вислання.

May 27, 2021

Expelled from Belarus for defending human rights

On 12 April 2021, Belarusian authorities forced Ukrainian human rights defender Volodymyr Yavorskyy to leave the country within 48 hours warned him to not return within ten years. His case is another example of the unprecedented attack on Belarusian civil society. Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv (EHRHC) and HRHF spoke to Yavorskyy, now living in Ukraine, about his interrogation, the threats made against his family, and his expulsion.

April 15, 2021

Belarus: Living in an endless August

“Crimes against humanity are being committed in the centre of Europe right now, in the 21st century, all because Belarusians want free and fair elections.”

January 2, 2021

Алег Агееў: «Патрабаванні праваабаронцаў да любой улады – нязменныя: павага чалавечай годнасці і выкананне правоў чалавека»

Інтэрв’ю Алега Агеева для Беларускага дома правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава.

November 16, 2020

Лето и избирательная кампания – под знаком перемен

Т. Ревяко: Весной 2020 года, во время вспышки эпидемии Covid-19, я почувствовала, что ситуация начала меняться… Беларусы изменились.

November 16, 2020

“Change” was the heartbeat of the summer and this election campaign

“It was in spring 2020, during the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, when I started feeling that the situation was changing… Belarusians were changing.”