Her father, Aliaksandr Kalesnikov, had gone to the hearing to support his daughter wearing a T-shirt with Maryia’s image on it. He initially refused access to the hearing so he took off the T-shirt, turned it inside out, and put it back on. He was then allowed to enter.

Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisoners

Following the illegitimate 9 August 2020 presidential election, protests erupted across Belarus, prompting an unprecedented crackdown from the authorities which continues unabated. One year since the election, hundreds of political prisoners remain in the country.

Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisoners, gives unjustly detained individuals a voice by collecting, translating, and publishing letters on our channels. This campaign is a collaborative project by Belarus Free Theatre, Index on Censorship, Human Rights House Foundation and Politzek.me.

Aliaksandr has repeatedly been refused the right to visit Maria in detention. According to Maryia’s sister, Tatsiana Khomich – referred to as “Tania” in the letter, Alexander has been denied permission to see his daughter on every occasion (more than fifteen times) with no explanation. On 4 August, Maria went on trial facing up to 12 years in prison on charges of extremism. The trial was closed to the public, including family members. Maryia’s family said it was a relief to see her healthy and cheerful at the trail, albeit on television screens.

Tatsiana said that although Maryia is writing a lot, her letters have become increasingly infrequent. Suppression of letters from political prisoners in Belarus is commonplace, denying family members and loved ones the chance to hear vital news. This is done to put pressure on individuals and their families. The letter below is the last communication Maryia’s family have received from her. One year since the fraudulent elections in Belarus, Maryia’s sister agreed to publicly share this personal letter between Maryia and her father.

Transcription RU

Привет, мой любимый и самый лучший на земле папочка!

Как у тебя дела в это непростое время?

Постоянно думаю о тебе, дедушке и всех наших родных и друзьях – всем-всем огромные приветы и горячие обнимашки! Сегодня был суд и я уже знаю как тебе пришлось “переодеться” – я смеялась на всё СИЗО! Ну ты и выкрутился. Видишь, ни у кого не может быть сомнений в том, что я дочь своего отца – и горжусь этим!Очень рада, что ты не теряешь присутствия духа и с юмором относишься ко всем этим безумным будням 🙂

Так держать! Сегодня получила 2! письма от тебя и 2 от А.

Ты пишешь, как восхищаешься Таней – я пишу ей это в каждом письме. То, что она делает для меня, всех нас и команды – это невероятно и потрясающе. Призывай ее, как и я, к тому чтобы она себя берегла и изо всех сил находила возможность отдыхать и о себе заботиться. И, конечно, шутко о том, что Берлинго сыпется и стареет быстрее тебя, меня тоже порадовала.

Правильно, папа, не надо тебе никуда сыпаться!

У меня все хорошо: бодра, здорова и весела!

Обнимаю тебя и всех-всех крепко-крепко!

Твоя Маша

Быть добру!

Translation EN

Hi my dearly beloved world’s best dad!

How are you doing in this trying time?

I’m constantly thinking of you, grandpa and all our nearest and dearest – sending my hello’s and lots of hugs to all!

The court hearing took place today so I already know how you had to ‘get changed’ – I bet everybody in the detention centre could hear me laugh! You really think fast on your feet. You see, now nobody can doubt that I’m my father’s daughter – and I’m so proud to be one!

I’m so glad that you are keeping your spirits high and are managing to get through these crazy days with a good sense of humour 🙂

Keep it up!

Today I received 2! letters from you and 2 from A.

You wrote that you’re in awe with Tania – I’m also writing this in every letter to her. What she’s doing for me and our whole team is unbelievable and incredible.
Please ask her, as do I, to make sure that she takes good care of herself and makes every effort to find time to rest.

And of course, the joke that your Berlingo is crumbling and ageing faster than you are has also put a smile on my face. And so it should be, dad, you’ve got no need to crumble!
I’m well, healthy and cheerful!

Sending you and everybody a big-big hug!

Your Masha

May goodness persevere!

Love and hugs

Translation BY

Прывітанне, мой любімы і самы лепшы на зямлі татачка!

Як у цябе справы ў гэты няпросты час?

Ўвесь час думаю пра цябе, дзядулю і ўсіх нашых родных і сябрах – усім-усім велізарныя прывітанні і гарачыя абдымкі!

Сёння быў суд і я ўжо ведаю як табе прыйшлося “пераапрануцца” – я смяялася на ўсё СІЗА! Ну ты і выкруціўся. Бачыш, ні ў кога не можа быць сумневаў у тым, што я дачка свайго бацькі – і ганаруся гэтым! Вельмі рада, што ты не губляеш прысутнасьці духу і з гумарам ставішся да ўсіх гэтых звяр’яцелых будняў 🙂 Так трымаць!
Сёння атрымала 2! лісты ад цябе і 2 ад А.

Ты пішаш, як захапляешся Таняй – я пішу ёй гэта ў кожным лісце. Тое, што яна робіць для мяне, ўсіх нас і каманды – гэта неверагодна і ўзрушальна.

Звяртаюцца да Яе, як і я, да таго каб яна сябе берагла і з усіх сіл знаходзіла магчымасць адпачываць і пра сябе клапаціцца.

Ты пішаш, як захапляешся Таняй – я пішу ёй гэта ў кожным лісце. Тое, што яна робіць для мяне, ўсіх нас і каманды – гэта неверагодна і ўзрушаюча.

Заклікай яе, як і я, да таго каб яна сябе берагла і з усіх сіл знаходзіла магчымасць адпачываць і пра сябе клапаціцца.

І, вядома, жарт пра тое, што Берлінга сыплецца і старэе хутчэй за цябе, мяне таксама парадавала.

Правільна, тата, не трэба табе нікуды сыпацца!

У мяне ўсё добра: бадзёрая, здаровая і вясёлая!

Абдымаю цябе і ўсіх-усіх моцна-моцна!

твая Маша

Быць дабру!

Люблю і абдымаю

Top photo: TUT.by. At the time of the publication of this letter, TUT.by is in accessible having being blocked in May 2021. Find out more about Belarusian Media Under Attack.