Human Rights House Zagreb
Human Rights House Zagreb was established in Croatia in 2008. Today the House unites six organisations under its roof.

Human Rights House Zagreb was established in 2008 with a goal to contribute to building a democratic, pluralistic and inclusive society based on the values of human rights, social justice and solidarity.
Today, the House in Zagreb unites six organisations and is renowned as the centre of expertise on human rights in Croatia. The House works on research, monitoring, advocacy and education within three programs: democracy and human rights, justice and human rights, and socio-economic rights.
In 2024, the Human Rights Houses in Belgrade, Banja Luka and Zagreb established the Regional Network of Human Rights Houses in Southeastern Europe to address common human rights challenges, by coordinating evidence-based regional advocacy efforts and learning from shared experience.
In addition to being a member of the Network of Human Rights Houses, Human Rights House Zagreb is a member of the GOOD Initiative, INACH – International Network Against Cyber Hate, Facing Facts Network, Fair Trials’ Legal Expert Advisory Panel, the Civil Solidarity Platform, Regional Network of Human Rights Houses in Southeastern Europe and Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection.
Contact information
+385 1 5513395
Selska cesta 112c, HR-10000
Zagreb, Hrvatska/Croatia
B.a.B.e. is a civil society organisation which is, since its inception in 1994 dealing with protection of human rights, especially women’s human rights. B.a.B.e. has four pillar programs. Program Gender Equality aims to raise public awareness with regard to gender equality and strengthening the recognition and application of the concept of gender equality in all national, regional and local policies.
Program Prevention and Eradication of Gender-Based Violence through legal and psychological counselling aims to provide help for victims of domestic violence and other vulnerable groups so they could achieve and protect their fundamental human rights. The third program is The provision of existential protection and psychological support to women victims of violence and their children in Vukovar-Srijem County through the Safe House. The fourth program is Advocacy and monitoring of legislative procedures, public policies and implementation measures and it is the link that allows the achievement of objectives and planned results of the previous three programs.
Contact information
+385 1 4663 666
Centre for Peace Studies is a member NGO of the Human Rights House Zagreb. The Centre grew out of various forms of direct peace-building in western Slavonia and was established in 1996. It has large experience in studying public policies and their impact on xenophobia, racism and ethnic exclusion, and human security, with a focus on empowering individuals and groups towards local community (and wider) peace-building through encouraging dialogue and promoting non-violence with a basic principle of social change through education.
Contact information
+ 385 1 4820094
Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity (CROSOL) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation of civil society active in the area of international development co-operation and humanitarian aid.
Members of the Platform – aware of common needs for co-operation and improved communication between the organisations – have joined together in order to achieve greater impact in shaping and implementing of the national policies for international development co-operation and humanitarian aid of the Republic of Croatia.
Contact information
+385 1 482 00 94
MMH is an alliance of youth associations that empowers young people for active and responsible participation in society, contributes to the development of high-quality youth policies and the overall development of the civil society.
In its work, it represents member organisations and tends to act in the common interest of all young people through networking, advocacy, informing, informal education and research, advocating the cooperation with public authorities, the educational and research institutions, civil society actors and media.
Contact information
+385 1 4573 937
In an attempt to encourage the process of dealing with the past and establishing factual truth about the war and to contribute to shifting of the discussion from the level of dispute over facts (the number of killed people, etc.) towards a dialogue on interpretations, the Centre for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights Osijek, Centre for Peace Studies, Civic Committee for Human Rights and Croatian Helsinki Committee decided to found Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past.
The key reason for this was the experience of suppression and falsification of war crimes and other war-related events from the period of 1941-2000, which has influenced the recent history of both Yugoslavia and post-Yugoslav societies.
Since its establishment, Documenta contributes to the development of individual and social process of dealing with the past, in order to build a sustainable peace in Croatia and the region by deepening the dialogue and initiating a public debate on public policies that encourage dealing with the past, data collection, publishing researches on war events, war crimes and violations of human rights, and monitoring war crimes trials at the local and regional level as a contribution to the improvement of court standards and practices in the war crimes trials.
Contact information
+385 1 457 2398
The Association for Promotion of Mental Health “Svitanje” was founded in 2004. The objectives of the association are the promotion and protection of mental health in the community for persons with mental disorders, encouraging the development of community programs that promote social inclusion and protection of human rights.
The purpose of the association is to promote various programs for the rehabilitation of persons with mental illnesses in the community in order to increase the autonomy and protection of human rights. Through the development of alternative forms of care in order to prevent institutionalisation, the association strives to enable an independent living if possible for people affected by mental illnesses, or a dignified life at least, providing them with as much support as possible.
Contact information