

January 5, 2004

First International War Children Conference to be held in Canada

WCIP, the War and Children Identity Project, based at the Egil Rafto Human Rights House, works to secure war children´s right to nationality and identity. These are children whose parents belong on opposite sides or who face stigmatisation for reasons related to the situation under which they were conceived. WCIP will give a presentation at the first ever conference on such children, to take place in Montreal, Canada mid-March. (28-DEC-03)

December 8, 2003

Nobel Peace Prize winner launches book

While in Oslo this week to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, Shirin Ebadi will launch her book ´Democracy, Human Rights and Islam in Modern Islamic Republic of Iran. Psychological, Social and Cultural Perspectives´. The book, a critical analysis of contemporary Islamic Republic of Iran focussing on family issues, education and the economy, has been written and edited in co-operation with the Rafto Foundation, one of the organisations at the Human Rights House in Bergen. (8-DEC-03)

September 26, 2003

The Rafto Prize 2003

The Professor Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize for 2003 is awarded to the Eritrean human rights activist Paulos Tesfagiorgis. For more than 20 years, Paulos has worked for the empowerment of the people of State of Eritrea, the creation of opportunities for genuine democratic participation, and the widening of space for human rights. (26-SEPT-03)

May 12, 2003

Is partnership and institutional collaboration effective development aid?

This was the topic of a seminar that was organized by Fredskorpset (The Norwegian Peace Corps). Fredskorpset is based on the method of developing well-functional partnership between institutions, businesses and organisation in Norway and development countries. (12-MAY-03)

April 30, 2003

Photo Exhibition in the Rafto House in Bergen

An exhibition of Nicolaza Hernandez’ photographs from ancient South American cultures will be organized in the Egil Rafto Human Rights House in the period 5-16 May. A lecture on the rights of indigenous people will be held at the opening of the exhibition on 5 May. (30-APR-03)

April 14, 2003

Oil and Ethics in Western Sahara

Karen Lomeland Jacobsen from the Rafto Foundation’s student group criticizes the oil company TotalFinaElf for its involvement in searching for oil in Western Sahara. Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco, and UN recommends that use of natural resources such as oil be postponed until after the conflict is resolved.  Read more  in Norwegian language (14-APR-03)

February 26, 2003

Background: The Human Rights House in Bergen 2002

Read about the main activities and human rights focus of the  organizations in the Human Rights House in Bergen. This document also presents two new organizations – the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Committee and Fredskorpset.File: Background 2002  (26-FEB-02)

January 30, 2003

New organizations in Bergen

Norwegian People’s Aid and Micro-credits Bergen have left their offices in the Rafto House. However, two new organizations have moved in: Norwegian Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Committee and Fredskorpset . (30-JAN-03)

October 27, 2002

The Rafto Prize for 2002

The Rafto Foundation wishes to support the saharawi´s struggle for human rights and self-determination, and has therefore decided to give the Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize for 2002 to Sidi Mohammed Daddach from Western Sahara. Daddach has spent more than half his life as a prisoner of conscience, without giving up the fight for human rights and dignity. (Norwegian language) (27-OCT-02)