

October 3, 2018

Strengthening Participation of Women Defenders in Politics and Society

Aiming to strengthen the participation of young women human rights defenders in politics and society, Human Rights House Tbilisi (HRHT) and France-based NGO IREX Europe organised the “National Leadership Academy” in Georgia for women human rights defenders.

October 2, 2018

HRC39 End of Session Statement

Some 12 human right NGOs issued a joint statement reflecting on the 39th Human Rights Council session, upon its conclusion at the end of September.

October 2, 2018

Reflecting on 10 years at Human Rights House Foundation

In September 2018, Florian Irminger, former Head of Advocacy at Human Rights House Foundation, left the organisation to pursue a new role as the Executive Director of Penal Reform International. In this video, Florian reflects on his time at HRHF, and discusses what both organisations have in common.

October 2, 2018

From Military Intelligence to Human Rights Defender

Once set to pursue a career as an interceptor of foreign transmitters among troops stationed outside Moscow, Aleh Matskevich from Barysaŭ, Belarus, is now a human rights defender. He saw an independent Belarus emerging and it turned him into a different kind of man.

September 26, 2018

HRHF statement on the situation in Crimea HRC39

During an interactive dialogue on Ukraine at the UN Human Rights Council, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement providing an overview of a fact-finding mission to Crimea conducted by representatives of three Human Rights Houses conducted between 14-18 September 2018.

September 21, 2018

HRHF statement on the adoption of Russia’s UPR

Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement during the adoption of Russia’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC39). This statement enjoys the support of two Russian human rights organisations.

September 20, 2018

Школа DSS375. Философия цифровой безопасности

Почему рейтинги безопасных мессенджеров не только бесполезны, но еще и вредны; как любовь и политика влияют на наш выбор почтового сервиса; что ценнее: безопасность или общение – и другие вопросы о цифровой безопасности в новом выпуске рассылки Школы цифровой безопасности DSS375 Белорусского дома прав человека имени Бориса Звозскова.

September 20, 2018

Documenting First-Hand the Human Rights Situation in Crimea

“The level of political repressions unleashed in Crimea in 2014 has not decreased, though the forms and types of pressure and persecution have changed,” reported Tatsiana Reviaka, member of the human rights monitoring mission to the peninsula.

September 20, 2018

Candidates to the Human Rights Council must be fit for membership

UNGA73: Member States of the UN should refrain from voting for candidates to the Human Rights Council that are unfit for membership

September 20, 2018

HRHF statement on reprisals at HRC39

Speaking during an interactive dialogue on reprisals with the UN Assistant Secretary General, Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement at UN Human Rights Council (HRC39).

September 20, 2018

HRHF statement on the adoption of Azerbaijan’s UPR

Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement during the adoption of Azerbaijan’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC39). This statement enjoys the support of four Azerbaijan human rights organisations.

September 12, 2018

Vacancy at the Belarusian HRH: executive director

Беларускі дом правоў чалавека шукае выканаўчага дырэктара – і магчыма, менавіта вас. Пра ўмовы працы і патрабаванні да кандыдатаў чытайце ніжэй.