Міхаіл Мацкевіч: «Трэба ўбачыць не аб’ект тваёй міласэрнасці – а чалавека»
Дом правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава працягвае цыкл інтэрвію з выпускнікамі адукацыйных праектаў праграмы ILIA-By. Міхаіл Мацкевіч – выпускнік праекта BISH – прыйшоў у праваабарону з айцішнага асяродку; што праўда, грамадзкі актывізм заўсёды цікавіў яго болей, чым будучая прафесія.
От провозглашения ценностей до современных правозащитных практик: в Вильнюсе прошла конференция в честь 70-летия Всеобщей Декларации прав человека
В Беларусском доме прав человека имени Бориса Звозскова 14-16 декабря в рамках проекта House-to-House Фонда домов прав человека прошла международная конференция, посвященная 70-летию Всеобщей Декларации прав человека «От провозглашения ценностей до современных правозащитных практик».
HRH Zagreb: Hate Crime in Focus
Working on several projects with national and international partners, Human Rights House Zagreb and its member organisations have carried out research, raised awareness, and offered practical guidance on the issues of hate crime and hate speech.
“City of Rights” festival travels to Kaliningrad
Co-organised by Human Rights House Voronezh, “City of Rights / Right is Right” human rights festival was held in Kaliningrad from 11-14 October, the first time it has travelled outside of Voronezh.
Crimea: Breaking the Wall of Silence
Three Human Rights Houses have undertaken a Mission aimed at breaking the wall of silence and documenting first-hand the human rights situation in Crimea.
Названыя лаўрэаты Прэміі ад праваабарончай супольнасці 2018
У Міжнародны Дзень правоў чалавека, 10 снежня, адбылася цырымонія ўзнагароджання штогадовай Прэміі ад праваабарончай супольнасці. Урачыстая дзея адбылася на новай асветніцка-адукацыйнай пляцоўцы “Тэрыторыя правоў”.
Abusive use of extremism laws against Crimean human rights lawyer
Human rights lawyer Emil Kurbedinov has sentenced to administrative detention in Crimea on charges related to extremism. Members of Human Rights Houses in Ukraine and international human rights organisations, including HRHF, condemn his detention and the persecution of lawyers in Crimea.
Вызначаны шорт-ліст Нацыянальнай прэміі беларускіх праваабаронцаў
30 лістапада праваабарончая супольнасць Беларусі вызначыла шорт-ліст штогадовай Нацыянальнай прэміі за дасягненні ў галіне правоў чалавека.
“Stopping more brutal affronts and violations” in Belarus
Reflecting on his six years as UN Special Rapporteur on Belarus, as his tenure comes to an end, Miklós Haraszti recalls “fighting an uphill battle” in the mandate, but how ultimately it has ensured international scrutiny of the human rights situation and provided a bulwark against some of the worst violations.
Rights of Defenders on agenda of Committee of Ministers
During a rare engagement between the Council of Europe’s decision-making body and civil society, human rights defenders and the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights highlighted the need to support human rights defenders and raise awareness of their work in society.
HRH Zagreb on presumption of innocence, disability rights, and whistleblowers
Human Rights House Zagreb has completed research and undertaken advocacy work to strengthen standards on the presumption of innocence, disability rights, and protection for whistleblowers.
Belarus needs “true desire” to improve human rights
Following its first review of Belarus in 21 years, the UN Human Rights Committee concluded that there are “many issues to address.” Human rights defenders warn that these findings need to translate to changes in the country.