Photo Contest: Not Passing Witness 2018
The photos tell stories of the harsher realities of life, expose the challenges faced by human rights defenders and celebrate their work, and cover protest actions and other human rights events.
Lyudmila Alexeyeva: An Agent of Change
“The activities of the human rights movement were too diverse to have a leader, but she was definitely a unifying figure.”
Mehman Huseynov released
Azerbaijani anti-corruption video blogger Mehman Huseynov has been released from prison, after serving a two-year sentence for defamation. This followed many years of repression by the authorities aimed at silencing him.
HRHF Statement on Women Human Rights Defenders at HRC40
During an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC40), Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement on women human rights defenders.
HRHF opens 2019 fund for joint Human Rights House projects
The project fund supports Houses and member organisations to be creative and innovative, to test new ideas, and to share and benefit from the vast experience in the network of Human Rights Houses.
Стваральнік Беларускага дома правоў чалавека Барыс Звозскаў ва ўспамінах сяброў і калегаў
26 лютага споўнілася 70 год з дня нараджэння Барыса Звозскава – праваабаронцы, якому належала ідэя стварэння Беларускага дома правоў чалавека.
Bias and disbarment leave handful of lawyers to take sensitive cases
Speaking at the European Parliament, Azerbaijani human rights lawyer Fuad Aghayev raises how political bias in access to the Bar and politically motivated suspensions and disbarment have left only a handful of human rights lawyers to take politically sensitive cases.
Statement on attacks on lawyers defending human rights in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijani human rights lawyer Fuad Aghayev delivered the following statement to the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights on 19 February 2019, as part of a hearing on attacks on the legal profession and lawyers defending human rights.
Як разбурыць сцяну маўчання вакол Крыма?
20 лютага ў Беларускім доме правоў чалавека праваабаронцы, якія наведалі Крым з маніторынгавай місіяй, прэзентавалі справаздачу аб сваёй вандроўцы.
Euromaidan: Five Years of Impunity
“On the eve of elections, there is a temptation for Ukrainian authorities to say that the investigation into Euromaidan is finished… but they haven’t fulfilled one of the key requirements of Euromaidan – to stop impunity and bring rule of law to the country.”
Расшифровка трансляции рассмотрения доклада Беларуси на 124 сессии КПЧ ООН. День 2
8 и 9 октября 2018 года в Женеве на 124 сессии Комитета по правам человека ООН рассматривали доклад Беларуси, который государство представило впервые за 20 лет.
Таццяна Равяка: «Калі ты ў самых складаных сітуацыях усміхаешся, значыць, ты яшчэ не пераможаны»
Таццяна Равяка – адна з першых праваабаронцаў Беларусі; уласна яна і ўдзельнічала ў стварэнні сучаснай праваабарончай супольнасці. Беларускі дом правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава публікуе размову з Таццянай Равякай – Прэзідэнтам БДПЧ з 2010 па 2018 гады.