

September 3, 2014

Russian NGO of mothers of soldiers labeled “foreign agent”

The NGO Soldiers’ Mothers of Saint Petersburg recently denounced the deaths of Russian soldiers in Ukraine and the silence of the authorities in this regard. The NGO specifically denounced that families and the soldiers themselves were not informed correctly. This public acknowledgement of Russia’s direct involvement in Ukraine was punished by the authorities in Moscow by labeling the NGO “foreign agent.”

September 2, 2014

UN Human Rights Committee takes five new decisions concerning Belarus

At the 111th session, held 7-25 July, the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations considered five new cases concerning Belarus and issued decisions confirming the violation by the Government of Belarus of certain rights of Belarusian citizens.

September 1, 2014

Камітэт па правах чалавека прыняў пяць новых рашэнняў па Беларусі

На 111-й летняй сесіі Камітэта па правах чалавека ААН, якая прайшла 7-25 ліпеня бягучага года, разгледжана пяць новых беларускіх спраў, па якіх прыняты рашэнні аб парушэнні з боку Урада Беларусі тых ці іншых правоў беларускіх грамадзян.

August 28, 2014

Anar Mammadli nominated for Václav Havel Human Rights Prize

The three candidates nominated for the Václav Havel Human Rights Prize 2014 are the Israeli organisation B’Tselem Israeli, the Maltese Jesuit Refugee Service and the Azerbaijani human rights defender Anar Mammadli.

August 28, 2014

Another hearing in case of priest accused of molesting minor

In two week’s time, on Friday, 12 September, at 9 a.m., the Regional Court in Koszalin holds another hearing in the case of Marcin K. The case involves the infringement of personal interests related to molestation of a minor by a priest. The Court will hear testimonies of Archbishops Marian Gołębiewski and Kazimierz Nycz via a video link.

August 21, 2014

HFHR’s comments on new proposals of video surveillance regulation

The HFHR has presented the second opinion on the new draft legislative guidelines for the law on video surveillance put forward by the Ministry of Interior. As compared with the original draft of December 2013, the current version contains several changes enhancing protection against the excessive use of cameras which may interfere with the right to privacy. Yet some proposals of the Ministry still raise doubts.

August 21, 2014

Is it not a shame to play football for Azerbaijani money? HFHR’s letter to Atletico Madrid

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has sent a letter to the management of Atletico Madrid in which it has raised the issue of the club’s funding by the Azerbaijani authorities. In the HFHR’s opinion Atletico Madrid players contribute to the promotion of President Ilham Aliyev’s regime by appearing in shirts with the slogan “Azerbaijan. The land of fire”. “We believe this conduct is not worthy of a club with such an excellent sports tradition”, reads the Foundation’s letter.

August 19, 2014

New graduates of BISH project – the future of human rights community in Belarus

On 15-17 August Vilnius hosted final session of the third cycle of the project “Bring International Standards Home” (BISH), which is implemented within the framework of the “International Law in Advocacy” program. About 30 graduates received diplomas and certificates of participation in the training course.

August 19, 2014

Новые выпускники проекта BISH – будущее правозащитного сообщества Беларуси

15-17 августа в Вильнюсе прошла заключительная сессия 3 цикла проекта “Имплементация де-факто международных обязательств Республики Беларусь в области гражданских прав и свобод” (BISH), который реализуется в рамках программы “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов”. Около 30 выпускников проекта получили дипломы и свидетельства о прохождении учебного курса.

August 17, 2014

Detention of Intigam Aliyev is an attempt of reprisal against human rights movement in Azerbaijan

Participants of the “International Law in Advocacy” program prepared a statement on the situation with detention of Intigam Aliyev and arrests of human rights defenders in Azerbaijan. The statement was approved within the framework of the final session of the “Bring International Standards Home” project and signed by human right lawyers and advocates. The authors of the statement call upon all those concerned to join the wider campaign to support and fight for the liberation of Intigam Aliyev and other political prisoners.

August 17, 2014

«Задержание Интигама Алиева – это попытка расправы над правозащитным движением в Азербайджане»

Участники программы “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов” подготовили заявление по ситуации с задержанием Интигама Алиева и арестами правозащитников в Азербайджане. Заявление было утверждено в рамках работы заключительной сессии проекта “Имплементация де-факто международных обязательств Республики Беларусь в области гражданских прав и свобод” и подписано юристами и адвокатами прав человека.
Авторы обращения призывают всех неравнодушных присоединиться к широкой кампании поддержки и борьбы за освобождение Интигама Алиева и других заключенных по политическим мотивам.

August 14, 2014

Six months without funds for legal aid for foreigners?

There is a high risk that in the first half of 2015 EU funds for legal aid for foreigners will not be available. Non-governmental organisations dealing with the protection of foreigners’ rights in Poland are sounding an alarm.