

August 7, 2014

Constitutional Tribunal’s judgment on limits of surveillance in Poland

The currently applicable statutory regulations governing the rules of access of secret services to telecommunication data violate the constitutional right to privacy, the Constitutional Tribunal ruled last week.

August 6, 2014

Strengthening of repression against non-governmental and political activists in Azerbaijan

Last week, Rasul Jafarov, a leading human rights defender in Azerbaijan, has been arrested by the Azerbaijani authorities. His arrest is related to the mounting repression from the Azerbaijani authorities against civic society activists and opposition parties.

August 5, 2014

UPDATED: Azerbaijan authorities detain Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunus

Human rights defender Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif Yunus have been arrested on 30 July 2014. Leyla Yunus was sentenced to 3 months pre-trial detention. On 5 August 2014, Arif Yunus was also sentenced to 3 months pre-trial detention. We call for the immediate and unconditional release of Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunus, as we see this as part of the persecution against human rights defenders in Azerbaijan.

August 5, 2014

Call for the immediate and unconditional release of Leyla Yunus, Arif Yunus and Rasul Jafarov

64 NGOs from 13 Human Rights Houses call upon the Azerbaijani authorities, in their joint letter to President Ilham Aliyev, to immediately and unconditionally release Leyla Yunus, Arif Yunus and Rasul Jafarov, and lift all charges held against them. The NGOs also repeat their previous call to release Anar Mammadli and Bashir Suleymanli, and join calls for the release of Hasan Huseynli.

August 5, 2014

Продление конкурса на участие в программе «Международное право для защиты общественных интересов»

Объявлен третий набор (2014-2015) адвокатов и юристов из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Молдовы, России и Украины для участия в программе дистанционного обучения международному праву прав человека. Обучение длится один год и осуществляется в рамках проекта Сети домов прав человека «Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека».

August 5, 2014

Продление конкурса на участие в программе «Международное право для защиты общественных интересов»

Объявляется третий набор (2014-2015) адвокатов и юристов из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Молдовы, России и Украины для участия в программе дистанционного обучения международному праву прав человека. Обучение длится один год и осуществляется в рамках проекта Сети домов прав человека «Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека».

August 4, 2014

Azerbaijan authorities have decided: “No critical voice shall be heard”

Rasul Jafarov has been arrested and sentenced to 3 months of pre-trial detention, a few days after the same sentence was upheld against Leyla Yunus. In Azerbaijan, human rights defenders are criminalised and their NGOs blocked. We call upon the immediate and unconditional release of Leyla Yunus and Rasul Jafarov.

July 31, 2014

Foreign families reunited or disunited?

Since 2003, immigration laws have been applicable that at the UE level govern the right of third country citizens to family reunification. Nevertheless, the procedure is riddled with a whole range of practical problems. Individual EU Member States differ in their interpretation and application of laws based on directives. Currently, the European Commission is carrying out a consultation of guidelines aimed to standardise the practice in this regard. The HFHR has taken part in this consultation.

July 30, 2014

ECtHR judgments in Al-Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah v. Poland

The European Court of Human Rights has entered judgments in the cases brought by applications of Al-Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah, allegedly detained and tortured in a CIA secret prison in Poland. The judges unanimously ruled that a number of human rights violations had occurred in the cases of both applicants, pointing to abuses of the prohibition of torture, the right to a fair trial or right to personal freedom and safety. The Court also criticised the Polish government for the lack of cooperation during the case which resulted in a breach of the Convention’s Article 38.

July 30, 2014

International Day of Solidarity with Civil Society of Belarus

4 August – the International Day of Solidarity with Civil Society of Belarus. On this very day in 2011 Ales Bialiatski, the famous Belarusian human rights defender, was detained in Minsk. On 21 June, 2014 Ales Bialiatski was suddenly granted amnesty and released, but there are still other political prisoners in Belarus, and there is no guarantee that the new political persecutions will not take place.

July 29, 2014

Международный день солидарности с гражданским обществом Беларуси

4 августа – Международный день солидарности с гражданским обществом Беларуси. Именно в этот день в 2011 году в Минске был задержан известный белорусский правозащитник Алесь Беляцкий. 21 июня 2014 г. Алесь Беляцкий был внезапно освобожден по амнистии, но в Беларуси остаются другие политзаключенные и нет гарантий, что новых преследований по политическим мотивам не будет.

July 29, 2014

4 жніўня