

October 2, 2014

Life in the villages of conflict affected area

Villages – Plavi, Plavismani and Kveshi are located near the ABL, adjacent to the occupied South Ossetia. The road finishes with wire-fence 150 meters away from the Georgian blockpost. The 150 meter distance is a risky zone, where person can be kidnapped and taken to Tskhinvali for alleged “violation of the border” and keep you in prison before paying 2 000 Russian rubles. De-facto authority of South Ossetia calls it “administrative fine.” Nobody is secured from the so-called “blind shooting” in the direction of the Georgia controlled area from the 150-meter zone.

October 2, 2014

У абарону годнасці

Днямі ў Вільнюсе (Літва), у Беларускім доме правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскага адбыўся выпуск навучэнцаў адукацыйнага праекту “Імплементацыя дэ-факта міжнародных абавязацельстваў Рэспублікі Беларусь у галіне грамадзянскіх правоў і свабод” праграмы “Міжнароднае права для абароны грамадскіх інтарэсаў”. Праграму рэалізуюць сябры міжнароднай Сеткі дамоў правоў чалавека дзеля падвышэння кваліфікацыі праваабаронцаў і іх падтрымкі.

September 29, 2014

Фатограф Марыяна Хардзі з Украіны: “Я паеду хоць на край света, каб данесці праўду”

26 верасня ў Беларускім доме правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава прайшло адкрыццё фотавыставы “Рэвалюцыя годнасці – у эпіцэнтры падзей». Фотакарэспандэнт Марыяна Хардзі (на фота) прадставіла здымкі кіеўскіх пратэстаў канца 2013- пачатку 2014гг., распавяла пра ўбачанае, адказала на пытанні прысутных і нават прадэманстравала гумовыя кулі,якімі стралялі ў пратэстоўцаў і прэсу.

September 29, 2014

“Temporary” problems of IDPs

First in 1991, the former military school building in the territory of Tbilisi Sea was occupied by the former Defense Minister of Georgia Tengiz Kitovani, when he rebelled against that time government. He camped together with his status-canceled Guardia in that building and the Tbilisi Civil War of 1990s started from there. After a while, in1993 IDPs from Abkhazia sheltered the building and still live there though their accommodation was “temporary” shelter.

September 26, 2014

Life in endless fear in Upper Mleta

Upper Mleta village in Dusheti district has been in the zone of natural disaster for several years already. Aragvi River running through the village threats locals every season of flood. At the same time, the river might get blocked by the landslide fallen from Lomisi Mountain, that will finally flood the village. Residents of Upper Mleta have been waiting for the resettlement into safer place for several years already.

September 25, 2014

Unprecedented repression in Azerbaijan

Side-event at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

September 24, 2014

Full accountability is needed in Ukraine

Addressing the crisis in Ukraine, which is the result of the violent repression of peaceful protestors from end of November 2013 to February 2014 by the Ukrainian government, will need full accountability for human rights violations on all sides. The sense of impunity continues to grow in the country, as investigations into killings of EuroMaidan protestors are still awaited and those holding arms in Eastern Ukraine enjoy a sort of immunity sponsored by the Russian Federation for their crimes.

September 24, 2014

UN Sub-Committee on Prevention of Torture visit to Azerbaijan suspended

In an unprecedented move, the United Nations monitoring and inspection body on torture has decided to suspend its visit in Azerbaijan “due to obstructions it encountered in carrying out its mandate” it stated in a press release on 17 September 2014.

September 23, 2014

Systemic patterns of violations of the right to freedom of association in OSCE-region

We firmly denounces systemic patterns of violations of the right to freedom of association, which serves the sole purpose of harassing, prosecuting and imprisoning critical voices, including human rights defenders in various countries of the OSCE-region, including the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

September 20, 2014

Belarusian NGOs sent its report as part of the Universal Periodic Review to the UN

Report, presented to the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights provides an overview of situation with the human rights in Belarus. Human rights defenders have expressed anxiety about the lack of real progress on key problem spheres of human rights in the country,
noting concrete steps of the implementation of the recommendations made and accepted by Belarus in the first cycle of the UPR.

September 19, 2014

European Parliament: Persecution of human rights defenders in Azerbaijan must stop

Whilst holding the chairmanship of the Council of Europe, the authorities of Azerbaijan are leading an unprecedented crackdown against civil society by arresting, one after the other, key critics of the country’s leadership, including well-known human rights defenders in the last few weeks. The European Parliament strongly addressed the situation in its resolution of today.

September 19, 2014

Homeless people in Tbilisi

Homeless people have been sheltering tents set up in Moscow Avenue in Tbilisi since December 2013. The Government of Georgia announced the initiative after nongovernmental organizations raised the issue very urgently. In extremely cold winter of 2013-2014, 12 tents for 80 persons were set up in Moscow Avenue. Since then, people permanently go to the tents at night and sleep there if they have nowhere else to go.