

August 13, 2014

New arrests of Azerbaijani human rights defenders

Last week Intigam Aliyev, a well-known Azerbaijani lawyer and human rights defender, was arrested. For years, Intigam Aliyev has been representing applicants before the European Court of Human Rights, as part of Legal Education Society’s activities. He has won over 49 cases in the ECtHR.

August 13, 2014

The man who wears T-shirts “Lukashenka, go away!” could be the next political prisoner

On 5 August driver from Homel Yuryi Rubtsou was summoned to the Soviet district department of the Investigative Committee of Minsk. There he was interrogated as a suspect in a criminal case.

August 13, 2014

Wave of repression in Azerbaijan: joint letter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Index on Censorship, Human Rights House Foundation and People in Need sent a joint letter on 13 August 2014 to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, following his statement on Azerbaijan.

August 13, 2014

War is not an excuse for dictatorship: Human rights defenders warn of danger of “12 August laws”

Human rights defenders will compare the laws passed by Parliament on 12 August and the bills that have been submitted to Parliament on 16 January under the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych (so-called “dictatorship laws”).

August 12, 2014

Чалавек, які носіць майкі «Лукашэнка, сыходзь!», можа стаць наступным палітвязнем

5 жніўня шафёра з Гомеля Юрыя Рубцова выклікалі ў Савецкі аддзел Следчага камітэта Мінска. Там яго дапыталі як падазраванага ў межах крымінальнай справы.

August 12, 2014

Urgent Appeal of the Human Rights House Tbilisi and is Member Organizations Regarding the chase and

On August 12, Human Rights House Tbilisi (HRHT) and its member organizations held a joint press conference regarding the mass arrests of human rights defenders in Azerbaijan.

August 10, 2014

UPDATED: Human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev sentenced to pre-trial detention in Azerbaijan

Continuing its crackdown against civil society, the authorities in Azerbaijan today sentenced the human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev to 3-months pre-trial detention, a few days after sentencing human rights defenders Leyla Yunus, her husband Arif Yunus and Rasul Jafarov.

August 9, 2014

Call for the immediate release of human rights defenders in Azerbaijan

64 NGOs from Human Rights Houses Network call upon the Azerbaijani authorities, in their joint letter to President Ilham Aliyev, to immediately and unconditionally release Leyla Yunus, Arif Yunus and Rasul Jafarov, and lift all charges held against them.

August 9, 2014

Azərbaycanda analoqu olmayan repressiya: hakimiyyət orqanları tərəfindən tənqidi səsləri susdurmaq ü

Azərbaycanın hakimiyyət orqanları bir-birinin ardınca ölkə rəhbərliyinin əsas tənqidçilərinə qarşı misli görünməmiş təzyiqlər həyata keçirir. Onlarla QHT-in bank hesabları bağlanıb və ofislərində axtarışlar aparılır. Beynəlxalq cəmiyyət hədəf alınmış və həbs edilmiş insan hüquqları müdafiəçilərini qorumaq üçün təcili tədbirlər görməlidir. Azərbaycan hal-hazırda Avropa Şurasının sədridir və beynəlxalq standartlara uyğun hərəkət etmək, təqib və repressiyalara son qoymaq və bütün həbs edilmiş insan hüquqları müdafiəçilərini azad etmək üçün daha böyük öhdəliyə sahibdir.

August 9, 2014

Беспрецедентные репрессии в Азербайджане: пытаясь заглушить критические выступления, власти бросают

Власти Азербайджана прибегли к беспрецедентным репрессиям против гражданского общества, арестовав одного за другим основных критиков руководства страны. Банковские счета более десятка НПО блокируются, в их офисах проводятся обыски. Международное сообщество должно незамедлительно использовать все меры для защиты преследуемых и заключенных под стражу правозащитников. Азербайджан в настоящее время председательствует в Совете Европы, что в еще большей степени обязывает государство соблюдать международные стандарты прав человека, прекратить преследование и репрессии и освободить всех заключенных в тюрьму правозащитников.

August 9, 2014

Unprecedented repression in Azerbaijan: key civil society leaders imprisoned

The authorities of Azerbaijan are leading an unprecedented crackdown against civil society by arresting, one after the other, key critics of the country’s leadership. Bank accounts of more than a dozen NGOs are blocked and their offices are being searched. The international community should urgently use all measures to protect targeted and imprisoned human rights defenders. Azerbaijan is currently chairman of the Council of Europe and has an even greater obligation to live up to international standards, stop the persecution and repression, and release all imprisoned human rights defenders.

August 8, 2014

64 НДА з розных краінаў заклікалі прэзідэнта Аліева да безумоўнага вызвалення праваабаронцаў

У сумесным лісце да прэзідэнта Ільхама Аліева 64 няўрадавыя арганізацыі з Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека заклікаюцьулады Азербайджана да неадкладнага і безумоўнага вызвалення праваабаронцаў Лэйлы Юнус, Арыфа Юнуса іРасула Джафарава, зняцця ўсіх абвінавачванняў супраць іх.