

September 18, 2014

Беларускія НДА накіравалі ў ААН даклад у рамках працэдуры Ўніверсальнага перыядычнага агляду

Прадстаўлены ў офіс Вярхоўнага камісара ААН па правах чалавека даклад змяшчае агляд сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі. Адзначыўшы пэўныя крокі па выкананні рэкамендацый, дадзеных па выніках першага цыкла УПА і прынятых Беларуссю, праваабаронцы выказалі заклапочанасць адсутнасцю рэальнага прагрэсу па ключавых праблемных сферах з правамі чалавека ў краіне.

September 18, 2014

Europe out of range of refugees looking for safety

A report recently published by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), an alliance of non-governmental organisations acting for refugees, revealed the persistent gaps between the theory and realities of a Common European Asylum System. The report reviews the situation of refugees in 15 Member States of the European Union. The section of the report about Poland was based on information provided by lawyers working with the HFHR.

September 16, 2014

Photo exhibition “Revolution of dignity – in the heart of the events”

On 26 September at 15.00 in the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House (Vilnius, Latako g.3) the photo exhibition “Revolution of dignity – in the heart of the events” will be opened, where the pictures of Kiev protests of the late 2013- early 2014 from a photographer Marianna Hardy (Chernihiv, Ukraine) will be presented.

September 16, 2014

Адкрыццё фотавыставы “Рэвалюцыя годнасці – у эпіцэнтры падзей»

26 верасня ў 15.00 у Беларускім доме правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава адбудецца адкрыццё фотавыставы “Рэвалюцыя годнасці – у эпіцэнтры падзей», у межах якой будуць прадстаўленыя здымкі кіеўскіх пратэстаў канца 2013- пачатку 2014гг. ад фотакарэспандэнта Марыяны Хардзі(Чарнігаў, Україна).

September 11, 2014

ECtHR judgment on parental contact with children still not enforced

In the judgment entered in Z. v. Poland the European Court of Human Rights held that it is the state’s duty to take all necessary steps to ensure the exercise of a person’s right to family life, including the right of parental contact with a child. The ECtHR decided the case four years ago. Since that time Poland has taken a number of actions in order to enforce the judgment. However, in the Foundation’s assessment, these actions fell short of the objective of the full implementation of the decision

September 11, 2014

Sensation or journalistic sting – judgment in the case of journalist Endy Gęsina-Torres

Endy Gęsina-Torres, a journalist working for Polish national television broadcaster TVP, has been ordered to pay a fine of PLN 2,000 by the Regional Court in Białystok. Last year, Mr Gęsina-Torres orchestrated a journalistic sting to reveal the allegedly abhorrent conditions at the Guarded Centre for Foreigners in Białystok and spent three weeks as an inmate of the facility.

September 10, 2014

OSCE released the protocol of negotiations in Minsk

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has published the text of the Protocol, based on the results of consultations of the Trilateral contact group regarding joint steps towards implementation of the Peace Plan of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and initiatives of President of Russia Vladimir Putin, that has been signed on 5 September in Minsk.

September 10, 2014

Promoting a safe and enabling environment for human rights defenders

Promoting a safe and enabling environment for human rights defenders: The OSCE/ODIHR Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

September 8, 2014

New High Commissioner for human rights: we see 4 challenges ahead

We expect you Mr High Commissioner to always be principled and vocal, avoid double-standards, and hold powerful States as accountable for human rights violations as those you might identify as friendly ones. We see a worrisome trend in the Office of the High Commissioner to neglect human rights violations in Europe. We strongly welcome though the work done by your Office since April in Ukraine.

September 8, 2014

АБСЕ апублікавала пратакол перамоваў у Мінску

Арганізацыя па бяспецы і супрацы ў Еўропе апублікавала тэкст Пратаколу па выніках кансультацыяў трохбаковай кантактнай групы па сумесных кроках, накіраваных на імплементацыю мірнага плану прэзідэнта Украіны Пятра Парашэнкі і ініцыятываў прэзідэнта Расіі Ўладзіміра Пуціна, што быў падпісаны 5 верасня ў Менску.

September 4, 2014

PAC will hear another complaint regarding PRISM case

On Thursday, 11 September 2014, at 9:00 am, in courtroom F the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw will hold a hearing in the case of the Military Counter-intelligence Service’s refusal to disclose information on surveillance and the PRISM programme.

September 4, 2014

Applications to European Court of Human Rights in case of “unappointed judges”

The judges who in 2007 did not receive their official appointments to judicial offices lodged applications with the European Court of Human Rights. The applicants are represented by Marcin Ciemiński, an advocate with Clifford Chance.