

April 1, 2019

FSB raids homes and detains Crimean Tatars

Some 45 human rights organisations of the Civic Solidarity Platform warn of the Russian authorities’ crackdown on human rights activists and other individuals in occupied Crimea.

March 12, 2019

Oslo Event: Breakfast Briefing on Human Rights in Crimea

Join us at Human Rights House Oslo on 21 March 2019, five years after the Russian annexation of Crimea, for a briefing by human rights defenders on the human rights situation. This will draw on the findings of the recent mission to Crimea by representatives of three Human Rights Houses.

March 5, 2019

EMDS records 484 violations in Azerbaijan in 2018

Almost half of the 484 violations recorded relate to freedom of expression and the right to a fair trial, according to the Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre (EMDS), member of Human Rights House Azerbaijan.

March 5, 2019

Keeping Human Rights in Focus in Serbia

Keeping human rights in focus, member organisations of Human Rights House Belgrade have issued thematic and country reports on human rights for 2018. Taken together, they highlight the human rights trends and priority issues in the country and the situation for civil society.

February 28, 2019

HRHF opens 2019 fund for joint Human Rights House projects

The project fund supports Houses and member organisations to be creative and innovative, to test new ideas, and to share and benefit from the vast experience in the network of Human Rights Houses.

February 19, 2019

Euromaidan: Five Years of Impunity

“On the eve of elections, there is a temptation for Ukrainian authorities to say that the investigation into Euromaidan is finished… but they haven’t fulfilled one of the key requirements of Euromaidan – to stop impunity and bring rule of law to the country.”

February 4, 2019

From Shrinking Space to Post-Revolutionary Space

Discover how progressive civil society groups became among those at the forefront of the Armenian revolution, by acting as an inspiration and role model for larger social groups by popularising mechanisms and techniques of resistance.

December 18, 2018

Crimea: Breaking the Wall of Silence

Three Human Rights Houses have undertaken a Mission aimed at breaking the wall of silence and documenting first-hand the human rights situation in Crimea.

November 20, 2018

“Stopping more brutal affronts and violations” in Belarus

Reflecting on his six years as UN Special Rapporteur on Belarus, as his tenure comes to an end, Miklós Haraszti recalls “fighting an uphill battle” in the mandate, but how ultimately it has ensured international scrutiny of the human rights situation and provided a bulwark against some of the worst violations.