

October 17, 2002


UN’s Security Council will debate a resolution that might authorize an American military attack on Iraq. In a letter to the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs the Human Rights House Foundation urges Norway to work towards a peaceful solution, and to vote in consistency with the UN pact. Read the letter (Norwegian language) (17 October)

October 9, 2002

Prosecuting genocide in Rwanda

With approximately one million people killed in three months, the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was one of the most extensive in the 20th century. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has released a new report on how Rwanda deals with it. (9 October)


September 24, 2002

International PEN congress in Tromsø

The annual congress of the International PEN will be held in the Norwegian town of Tromsø in September 2004. Protection and development of literature written in minority languages will be one of the main topics at the congress. Read more (Norwegian language) (24 September)

September 10, 2002

Oslo Declaration on Crimes Against Humanity

The international judicial system must be strengthened in order to end impunity for crimes against humanity and war crimes. This is the recommendation of the Oslo Declaration on Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes, signed by a number of human rights defenders worldwide. Read more (10 September)

June 6, 2002

NHC conferences on human rights

In connection with its 25th anniversary the Norwegian Helsinki Committee will arrange two one-day conferences: “The Power of Words” – Human Rights Work in a Changing World  (29 August), and  “Grave abuses” – International reaction repertoire (30 August). To participate call (+47) 23 30 11 00. (6 June 2002)

June 3, 2002

New website: Norwegian P.E.N

Visit Norwegian P.E.N’s new website on The website will bring you updated information on the organization’s activities, as well as background information. (3 June 2002)

May 30, 2002

Report from the Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee´s report from the Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine 31 March 2002 is now available. Despite a number of problematic issues, the election represents a positive development in democratic standards. Read the report here. (30 May 2002)


May 30, 2002

Hard times for watchdogs after 9/11

Being a human rights defender has become increasingly difficult after 11 September, according to a new UN Report. “Worrysome”, says Maria Dahle, Executive Director of the Human Rights House Foundation, in an interview with the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen. (Norwegian language) (30 May 2002)


May 8, 2002

“Health and Human Rights Info”

“Health and Human Rights Info” is an Internet project aimed at making practical information and materials on health and human rights more easily accessible to health workers in the field. The project is initiated by the International Society for Health and Human Rights (ISHHR) (8 May 2002)