Serbian civil society dialogue with Norwegian and Serbian Prime Ministers
At the first stop on an official trip to Serbia, Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg visited Human Rights House Belgrade with her Serbian counterpart Ana Brnabic. At the House, the politicians had the opportunity to engage in dialogue with members of Serbian civil society.
Annual Report 2017/18
Time and again in 2017 we saw how resilient, creative, and adaptable human rights defenders can be in the face of repression.
“I Defend Rights” – Share your experience
Human rights defenders are sharing their experiences working first-hand to defend the rights of others.
Human Rights House Oslo
Founded during a time of great change and hope for human rights in Europe, Human Rights House Oslo is today home to six diverse organisations championing a variety of causes.
Human Rights House Annual Report 2016
Discover how we, the Human Rights Houses and Human Rights House Foundation, protected, empowered, and supported human rights defenders and advanced human rights in 2016.
Mental health and gender-based violence manual launched in Russian and Arabic
Health and Human Rights Info (HHRI), a member of Human Rights House Oslo has released Russian and Arabic language versions of their training manual “Mental health and gender-based violence: Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict”.
Open debate with UN Secretary General Candidates
On the 12 of July at the UN, high-level representatives from States, civil society and the private sector discussed the human rights situation in the world. There was also a first televised live debate with the candidates for Secretary General at the United Nations, which was open for questions from the public.
Updated: UN adopts resolution supporting human rights defenders
HRHN welcomes the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the resolution. This will protect, empower, and support human rights defenders, and address the increasingly threatening climate in which they work.
International Democracy Day: We call for more space for civil society
Civil society has less and less space to breathe or even exist in many countries, let alone participate in public life. Authorities are using restrictions as a pretext to prosecute and imprison human rights defenders, criminalising the right to be a human rights defender, and the right to assemble and associate.