

November 24, 2008

UN to hear Croatia genocide claim against Serbia

The UN’s highest court will hear a genocide claim lodged against Serbia by neighboring Republic of Croatia for alleged ethnic cleansing committed during the Croatian war of the early 1990s, judges ruled Tuesday.

November 7, 2008

Maria Dahle visiting HRH Zagreb

After almost two years Maria Dahle, the Executive Director of the Human Rights House Foundation, is visiting Zagreb again next week. Five years of continuos efforts to set up a Human Rights House in Zagreb finally yield fruit as the emergence of HRH Zagreb reached it´s final stages. (02-JUN-06)

November 7, 2008

Roma still suffer discrimination!

This is the summary of the “Report on the position of Roma in Croatia” and the round table discussion during it’s public presentation organized by Croatian Law Centre on Friday 21 October in Zagreb Press Club. At the same time, the Report represents the end of a mutual one-year project of the NGO’s involved in the emergence of the HRH in Zagreb. (24-OCT-05)

October 30, 2008

Meeting of Initiative for RECOM

Initiative for Establishing a Regional Commission for Truth-seeking and Truth-telling About War Crimes (RECOM), held a meeting in the eastern Croatian town, Vukovar on Friday, October 24th.

October 28, 2008

Report on Croatia by Council of Europe

The Council of Europe’s Committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CPT) has published in the beginning of September, the report on its 3rd periodic visit to Republic of Croatia, in 2007, together with the authorities’response. These documents have been made public at the request of the Croatian Government.

September 6, 2007

Croatian Helsinki Committee: Refugee return process still flawed

The processes in which refugees are returned to Republic of Croatia improved during the past five years, but there are still serious shortcomings in need of government attention. This article summarizes the findings of the draft ECRE (European Council for Refugees and Exiles) National Report for Republic of Croatia, compiled by the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. (06-SEP-07)

July 16, 2007

Gudelj extradited to Croatia

On Sunday, July 15 Antun Gudelj was extradited to Republic of Croatia after five years of hiding in Australia. Gudelj was convicted for twenty years of imprisonment in 1994, but the verdict was passed in absentia since he fled the country immediately after the crime. He was accused of a triple murder and an attempted murder near Osijek in 1991. (16-JUL-07)

July 7, 2007

School of Human Rights for Youth

The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights organized 15th in a row School of Human  Rights for Youth. The School was organized with the long term financial support from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Heinrich Boell Foundation.  (07-JULY-07)

May 22, 2007

Human Rights for Decision Makers

The Balkan Human Rights Network (BHRN) is organising the seventh Human Rights School for Future Decision Makers in Dubrovnik (Croatia), from 27 May until 10 June 2007. The School will gather 27 young leaders from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. (22-MAY-07)