Conference about the cultural memory in Stolac
A long – time tendencies for protecting cultural rights in Hercegovina region, town Stolac, resulted positively. HCHRBiH, with the help and assistance of The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, hold the International Conference „Human Rights and Destruction of Cultural Memory: the Stolac Case“in Sarajevo, 23 and 24 April 2004. The hosts are satisfied with the same Conference and with the final conclusions which were brought. (27-APR-04)
“Renesansa” helps through orthopaedic expedients
Association „Renesansa“ together with “Zene Zenama” and “Korak Vise”successfully finished the campaign named „Modification and addition the statutory code in getting orthopaedic expedients for women operated from breast cancer“. The campaign lasted a few months, and officially finished in the middle of March, when this bylaw was modified by the Government of Sarajevo’s Canton . (15-APR-04)
Women in BiH can not wait any longer
Discrimination upon women still can be felt in BH society. After the Law on Equality of Gender in BiH was brought in 2003, women decided to take a next step and to help in implementation the Law. That is the reason why women’s NGOs gathered on 31-MAR-04 and promoted the brochure – Platform for Women`s NGO Action in BiH. (02-APR-04)
HCHR BiH reacts on the vandalism in BiH
After the conflicts that happened in Kosovo and Serbia last week, reaction spread out on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina sharply reacted on the attacks on religious sacraments in some places in the country. (24-MAR-04)
SCC celebrates ten years of existance
Today, on 12-MAR-04, Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina promoted the book “10 years` existence of the Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The book characterizes a ten-year existence of the Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina . (12-MAR-04)
The last Independence Day for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yesterday, on the 1st of March most of the citizens, but not all of them, celebrated the Independence Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On that very Day in 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina was recognized in Europe as multireligious, multicultural, and multiethnic country, after finished Referendum where people voted for independent state, separate from ex Yugoslavia. (02-MAR-04)
Women to Women in the project supporting youth
From the 1st of January – 31st of March, women activists Women to Women and youth group „FenixFam“, implement the project „Gender equality and youth – raising the consciousness through interactive approach“. (19-FEB-04)
A new hope for Mostar
In BH publicity, there are still different reactions on the High Representative`s Decision about the reorganisation the City of Mostar. The Decision was announced on 27-JAN-04 after the detailed analysis which lasted a few months. It abrogates six former municipalities and institutes only one, with six electing units. (10-FEB-04)
The European Court for Human Rights has appointed its first BiH judge
Bosnia and Herzegovina has been given its first seat among the judges at the European Court for Human Rights. Professor Ljiljana Mijovic won the majority of the BiH Parliament`s votes and intends to represent her country throughout her six years´ appointment. (30-JAN-04)