

June 12, 2018

Annual Report 2017/18

Time and again in 2017 we saw how resilient, creative, and adaptable human rights defenders can be in the face of repression.

May 31, 2018

Fighting for Women’s Rights and Equality in Armenia

Armenian human rights defender, Lara Aharonian, has defended equality and fairness for all with a special focus on women rights and sexual minorities for more than 15 years.

April 20, 2018

Human rights defenders detained amid Armenia protests

As peaceful protests against the long-time rule of Serzh Sargsyan continue in Armenia, authorities today targeted human rights defenders and journalists, adding to arrests and violence against protesters in recent days.

March 23, 2018

Threat to independence of lawyers in Armenia

Armenia has adopted new regulations that could serve as a punitive tool against independent attorneys of human rights advocates.

October 27, 2017

Briefing hopefully opens doors

For the first time, a non-governmental organisation has arranged a thematic briefing of the Council of Europe’s (CoE’s) decision-making body. Three human rights defenders presented their experiences on the front line promoting human rights.

July 10, 2017

Human Rights House Annual Report 2016

Discover how we, the Human Rights Houses and Human Rights House Foundation, protected, empowered, and supported human rights defenders and advanced human rights in 2016.

June 27, 2017

The reality of LGBT+ activism in Armenia

Mamikon Hovsepyan is an Armenian human rights defender who has been promoting equality and diversity and defending human rights in Armenia for 15 years.

June 27, 2017

Armenian HRDs trained in documenting freedom of assembly violations

On the last weekend of March 2017, at Human Rights House Yerevan, experts from five Human Rights Houses (HRHs) delivered training on documenting human rights violations of freedom of assembly. 20 Armenian human rights defenders (HRDs), both from the House and the wider civil society, took part in the training focused on rally dispersals and professional and ethical human rights violations in Armenia.

March 8, 2017

Human Rights Defender on trial in Armenia

(Updated 8 March) Marina Poghosyan works against corruption in Armenia. She now faces charges of extortion. Human rights organisations have linked the trial to the work of the human rights defender’s organisation in uncovering illegal activities involving officials in the country.