

March 22, 2004

Wednesday Dialogue – “Iran”

Wednesday 10th March 2004. 19:00 –22:30.
Raftohuset hosted Mr. Kjetil Selvil and Dr.Uichol Kim in the monthly Wednesday Dialogue, which was titled
“Past and Prospects for the Iranian Reforms-Movement” (22-MAR-2004)

March 20, 2004

New complaint mechanism on violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights enters into force

On 5 May 2013, FIAN International celebrates the coming into force of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR). Under the Protocol, victims of violations of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR), such as the right to food, health, education, and housing, who are unable to seek relief for their claims within their own country, can seek redress at the international level by filing a complaint with the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in those countries that have ratified.

March 19, 2004

The Silesian Nation – is there such a thing?

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg turned down a complaint filed against Republic of Poland concerning the violation of Article 11 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms associated with the Polish courts´ refusal to register the Union of People of Silesian Nationality. (MAR-19-04)

March 12, 2004

Youth against xenophobia

On the 10th of March a group of young people, who participated in the seminar  “Youth Against Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism”, left Warsaw. 16 students from all over Republic of Poland worked together for 5 days, reflecting on what exactly xenophobia is and how it should be combated.(12-MAR-04)

March 12, 2004

SCC celebrates ten years of existance

Today, on 12-MAR-04, Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina promoted the book “10 years` existence of the Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The book characterizes a ten-year existence of the Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina . (12-MAR-04)

March 2, 2004

The last Independence Day for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yesterday, on the 1st of March most of the citizens, but not all of them, celebrated the Independence Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On that very Day in 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina was recognized in Europe as multireligious, multicultural, and multiethnic country, after finished Referendum where people voted for independent state, separate from ex Yugoslavia. (02-MAR-04)

February 24, 2004

Iran – 25 years of tyranny, terror and divinity

 Iran became an Islamic republic in 1979 after the ruling shah was forced into excile. Today, 25
 years later, many Iranians long for political change. Exile Iranians in Bergen marked the
 occasion on a seminar at the Rafto Human Rights House where the prospects for democracy
 were discussed. (FEB-2004)

February 19, 2004

Women to Women in the project supporting youth

From the 1st of January – 31st of March, women activists Women to Women and youth group „FenixFam“, implement the project „Gender equality and youth – raising the consciousness through interactive approach“. (19-FEB-04)

February 16, 2004

Chechen refugees in Poland without refugee status

Chechens are the largest group seeking refugee status in the Republic of Poland. In 2003 out of 7 thousand applications to receive refugee status 3 thousand were sent in by Chechens. Only about 300 people were actually granted the status. (16-FEB-04)

February 16, 2004

The rights of the Dalits in India

In India, Dalits are subject to flagrant violations of human rights and dignity. Last week at “Wednesday Dialogue” in the Rafto Human Rights House, the situation of Dalit was in centre of discussion. Dag Erik Berg from the University of Bergen was invited to talk about the human rights situation of Dalits in India. (15-FEB-2004)

February 10, 2004

Advanced Course for Human Rights Defenders from the Community of Independent States

Sunday the 8th of February marked the end of the 2nd session of the third Advanced Course for Human Rights Defenders organised by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, as part of the broader programme entitled “Organizing and Empowering the Human Rights Movement for Civil Society in the Community of Independent States”. (10-FEB-04)

February 10, 2004

A new hope for Mostar

In BH publicity, there are still different reactions on the High Representative`s Decision about the reorganisation the City of Mostar. The Decision was announced on 27-JAN-04 after the detailed analysis which lasted a few months. It abrogates six former municipalities and institutes only one, with six electing units. (10-FEB-04)