

October 10, 2019

HRHF Annual Report 2018/19

Discover how Human Rights House Foundation protected and advanced the rights of human rights defenders, strengthened independent civil society, and supported a strong, active network of Human Rights Houses.

October 9, 2019

Два жыцці Тамары Сідарэнкі, адваката і праваабаронцы

Пасля Плошчы-2010 беларуская адвакатура спазнала наймоцны ў гісторыі краіны ўдар рэпрэсій: адвакаты незалежных кандыдатаў былі жорстка выкінутыя з прафесіі. Пад гэты ўдар трапіла і Тамара Сідарэнка, якая проста сумленна выконвала сваю працу.

October 7, 2019

Addressing human rights violations in Ukrainian law enforcement

“Human rights violations in law enforcement are affected by two main factors: motivation and impunity… It is around these two factors that we build our strategy.”

September 26, 2019

HRHF raises concerns about arrests and prosecutions following June protests in Tbilisi, Georgia

Following up on excessive use of force against protestors in June in Tbilisi, Georgia, HRHF and Human Rights House Tbilisi raise concerns relating to the arrests and prosecutions following the protests, in a statement set to be delivered at the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council on 26 September 2019.

September 24, 2019

HRHF raises Crimea political prisoners at HRC42

HRHF and Human Rights House Crimea welcome recent releases of Crimea political prisoners, while urging action to ensure all political prisoners are released, and the people who have been released are rehabilitated and their rights restored. This statement is set to be delivered as part of regular dialogue on Ukraine (item 10) at the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council on 24 September 2019.

September 19, 2019

HRHF calls on UN HRC42 to pass strong resolution on reprisals

HRHF calls on Members of the United Nations Human Rights Council to pass by consensus a strong resolution on reprisals, in a statement to be delivered on 19 September 2019 at the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council, HRC42.

September 18, 2019

Fest2019: “A laboratory for innovative human rights education”

Bringing together human rights defenders from across Ukraine and abroad, Educational Human Rights Fest in Chernihiv welcomed around 200 participants, volunteers, and speakers from 16-28 July 2019.

September 18, 2019

Human Rights Fair Tbilisi 2019

More than 150 activists, representatives of human rights defending organizations or international and diplomatic corps based in Tbilisi and other regions of Georgia joined the Human Rights Fair Tbilisi on 16 July 2019.

September 17, 2019

Паролі, антывірусы, шыфраванне дыскаў: трэнінг Школы лічбавай бяспекі DSS375

У Беларускім доме правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава ў верасні 2019 года адбыўся трэнінг лічбавай бяспекі для праваабаронцаў, грамадскіх актывістаў і незалежных журналістаў.

September 17, 2019

HRH Zagreb: Further measures to tackle hate speech

Human Rights House Zagreb and partners have built on their many activities addressing hate speech and hate crimes, as they upgrade their online tool that connects the Croatian public with mechanisms to address hate speech.

September 16, 2019

Much-needed reforms to Council of Europe reprisal mechanism

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, has announced much-needed reforms to the human rights body’s “reprisal mechanism” – launched in May 2017 to ensure “human rights defenders… never face retribution for their principled stance.”

September 9, 2019

HRHF priorities at Human Rights Council 42

Gain insight into HRHF’s priorities alongside partners for the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council #HRC42. The Council session will run from 9-27 September 2019.