

October 8, 2009

Nicaragua: ARTICLE 19 and partners submit report to the UN Universal Periodic Review

ARTICLE 19 has tabled a Submission to the first Universal Periodic Review for
Nicaragua (UPR) by the Human Rights Council in February 2010. In partnership
with the Nicaraguan Centre for Human Rights (CENIDH), the Centre for
Investigation and Communication (CINCO), and Violeta Barrios de Chamorro
Foundation (FVBCH), the Submission analyses the freedom of expression situation in Nicaragua.

October 8, 2009

Election Observation Project: Call for Applications

United Centre of Initiatives for Belarus (JuBIC), Swedish International Liberal Centre (Silc), European Humanities University (EHU) and Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius (HRH) announce a new call for applications to participate in the election observation project in 2010.

October 8, 2009

Прымаюцца заяўкі на ўдзел у праекце па назіранні за выбарамі

Абвешчаны набор кандыдатаў на ўдзел у праекце па назіранні за выбарамі, які супольна ажыццяўляюць Аб’яднаны цэнтр беларускіх ініцыятываў (JuBIC), Шведскі міжнародны ліберальны цэнтр (Silc), Еўрапейскі гуманітарны універсітэт (ЕГУ) і Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека ў Вільні (ДПЧ).

October 8, 2009

Battle of Ideas

The festival of high-level, thought-provoking debate (satellite events starting 12 October!), with Index on Censorship team members taking part in several fascinating debates.

October 8, 2009

Discussion on Peaceful Protest

Protest has been vital in securing many of the rights and freedoms we enjoy today and it has the power to change the course of history. It has been used to create democracies and demand fair and equal treatment.

October 8, 2009

Yodok Filmpremiere

Screening of the documentary film Yodok by Andrzej Fidyk about current atrocities occuring in North Korean concentration camps.

October 8, 2009

Sports for Peace and Development

A conference on FIFA 2010 World Cup in South Africa as a tool for development and reconciliation. The Conference forms part of the research project “Sports and Reconciliation”.

October 8, 2009

9th X-PRESS Session

Children from mixed marriages as marginalized ethnic groups

October 7, 2009

Свабода СМІ – закладніцай афіцыйнага Менску

Дзяржаўная ўлада Беларусі па-ранейшаму імкнецца кантраляваць СМІ. У дачыненні да друкаваных выданняў кантроль ажыццяўляецца шляхам усталявання дзяржманаполіі на іх распаўсюд. Да тэле- і радыёвяшчання – пагрозай пазбаўлення эфіру.

October 7, 2009

Three years since the murder of Anna: In the Russian Federation, being a HR defender has never been

Anna Politkovskaya was an outstanding person and a courageous journalist. Today it is three years since the prominent human rights activist was shot dead at the entrance of her home in Moscow.

October 7, 2009

Kazakhstan: Protests against court decision on Evgeniy Zhovtis

Every Wednesday supporters of the sentenced human rights activist meet downtown Almaty. Though prosecuted by the authorities, they are ready to continue holding manifestations until Zhovtis is freed.

October 7, 2009

To Indonesia to help earthquake victims

Doctor Karine Nordstrand is prepared to face a challenge of working in the disaster area. “I’m glad I have the opportunity to go down and help people affected by the earthquake”, says Karine from Oslo.