

October 9, 2009

Three years without Anna Politkovskaya

Three years have passed since the murder of Anna Politkovskaya. Everybody in the world who has a slightest interest in what is happening in the Russian Federation and North Caucasus is aware of this beautiful courageous and woman, talented journalist and a true human right defender.

October 9, 2009

Macedonia: Official discrimination continues

Officials continue to put into practice the Macedonian Religion Law’s hostility to some religious communities, Forum 18 News Service has found. Discrimination continues against the Serbian Orthodox Church and Bektashi Muslim community, and in favour of the two “state faith communities” – the Macedonian Orthodox Church and Islamic Community of FYR Macedonia.

October 9, 2009

NGOs queued up for water in Oslo

A long line of people in front of the Norwegian Parliament on 7 October was made up in solidarity with all the people in the world, who have to do this every day to exercise their fundamental human right to access to water. The waterline was organized among others by Health and Human Rights Info and FIAN as a part of Blue October Campaign.

October 9, 2009

Mlada MIRamiDA Training

Change the world

October 9, 2009

Blue October Campaign in Norway

The right to clean water is in the middle of lectures, debates and other events.

October 9, 2009

Blue October Campaign in Norway

The right to clean water is in the middle of lectures, debates and other events.

October 8, 2009

Three Kurdish prisoners face imminent execution.

Amnesty International is trying to halt the execution of three Kurdish prisoners, who are believed to have been convicted based on their their membership and activities on behalf of the Kurdistan Independent Life Party (PJAK).

October 8, 2009

Discrimination in independent occupations and professions

In Polish law there is in force a prohibition of discrimination in employment being a consequence of the constitutional rule of equality and a result of an implementation of EU directives. It is mostly applied to „classic” employment relationship (the employer and the employee). Article 16 of the Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation provides that this rule should be applied also to independent occupations and professions.

October 8, 2009

Belarusian HR defender: HR situation leads to deplorable conclusions

Recently mass media have started publishing the statements by some European officials about the positive tendencies and the political liberalization in our country. In particular, at the beginning of this week Jose Manuel Pinto Teixeira, Head of the European Commission Representation in Ukraine and Republic of Belarus, talked about ‘a certain progress’ on the democratization of Republic of Belarus. How do the Belarusian human rights activists evaluate the situation in the country on the eve of the consideration of renewal of the sanctions of the EU towards the official Minsk? You can learn about it from our interview with the representative of the Human Rights Center Viasna Valiantsin Stefanovich.

October 8, 2009

Беларускі праваабаронца: Сітуацыя з правамі чалавека прыводзіць да несуцяшальных высноваў

Апошнім часам у СМІ з’яўляюцца выказванні некаторых еўрапейскіх чыноўнікаў пра станоўчыя тэндэнцыі ў палітычнай лібералізацыі ў нашай краіне. У прыватнасці, напачатку тыдня кіраўнік прадстаўніцтва Еўракамісіі ў Беларусі і ва Украіне Жазэ Мануэль Пінту Тэйшэйра адзначыў “пэўны прагрэс” па дэмакратызацыі Беларусі. Як беларускія праваабаронцы ацэньваюць сітуацыю ў краіне напярэдадні разгляду пытання пра аднаўленне санкцыяў Еўразвяза ў дачыненні да афіцыйнага Менску? Пра гэта – у гутарцы з прадстаўніком Праваабарончага Цэнтру “Вясна” Валянцінам Стэфановічам.

October 8, 2009

Another joint activity of Norway and Western Balkan organizations

“Democracy here, there and everywhere,” a training seminar on democracy in organizational development, took place in Oslo mid-September, for participants from Norway and Western Balkans involved in the regional program of Human Rights Schools for youth in the Western Balkans.

October 8, 2009

Politkovskaya award won by Iranian women’s rights campaign

Last night, the Politkovskaya award was won by an Iranian campaign for women’s rights, One Million Signatures, against the discrimination of women. After 2007 year’s laureate Natalia Estemirova was killed, RAW in WAR became increasingly concerned about the safety of individual award winners.