

January 11, 2010

Social Democrat Ivo Josipovic elected Croatia president

The opposition Social Democrat, Ivo Josipovic, has won Croatia’s presidential election by a wide margin. Mr Josipovic has pledged to lead an “uncompromising fight against corruption” and to help the government complete EU membership talks this year.

January 11, 2010

Беларускія ўлады ціснуць на актывістку польскай меншасці

Распачатая крымінальная справа супраць кіраўніка Дома польскага ў Івянцы Тарэсы Собаль, якая з’яўляецца сябрам непрызнаванага ўладамі Саюза палякаў на Беларусі на чале з Анжалікай Борыс. Сябры незалежнай арганізацыі польскай меншасці называюць крымінальную справу правакацыяй.

January 10, 2010

Violence against journalists continues in Somalia

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is concerned over the continuing violence being directed towards the journalists in the Republic of Somalia following the injury of Radio Journalist in Beletweyne town of Hiran region on Sunday 10 January 2010.

January 9, 2010

Surveillance more aggressive in run-up to Burmese elections

According to Inger Lise Husøy, Director of Norwegian Burma Committee, the Burmese juntaleader’s message ‘to make the correct choices’ during the upcoming elections this year should be considered as a threat to Burmese voters. ‘The regime is first and foremost concerned about keeping control and protecting itself,’ – says Husøy.

January 8, 2010

Незалежная прэса: зменаў у лепшы бок няма

Напярэдадні Новага году адразу два незалежныя выданні ў Беларусі апынуліся пад ціскам з боку афіцыйных уладаў. Агульнанацыянальнай газеце “Народная воля” вынесенае папярэджанне, раённая “Газета Слонімская” не атрымала акрэдытацыі. Беларускія ўлады выразна аддзяляюць дзяржаўныя выданні ад недзяржаўных, супраць якіх і разгортваюцца новыя рэпрэсіі.

January 8, 2010

Burma: Another 20-year prison term for undercover reporter

26 year old Hla Hla Win, who worked for the Burma radio and TV station Democratic Voice of Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for unlawful use of video equipment. She becomes the 13th journalist who is imprisoned in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). – It’s chilling that someone is convicted for telling facts, said Aye Chan Naing, an editor of the independent radio and TV station based in Oslo.

January 8, 2010

Belarus: Government tightens grip on Internet

Reporters Without Borders is worried about the government’s plans to tighten control of the Internet in a country where free expression is already restricted. President Aliaksandr Lukashenka acknowledged on 30 December 2009 that his government is putting the final touches to a bill to this effect. The draft decree was leaked to the media on 14 December.

January 8, 2010

Belarusians will observe the presidential election in Ukraine

On 6 January a new stage of the Election Observation: Theory and Practice began in Vilnius. Throughout a week more than 40 participants from Republic of Belarus, Lithuania and Sweden will be completing an intensive theoretical course dedicated to a study of basics of an electoral process and election observation.

January 7, 2010

Fifteen Kurdish political prisoners are at risk of imminent execution in Iran.

Death sentences and executions of Kurdish political prisoners in Islamic Republic of Iran are increasing at an alarming rate. Human rights groups in Islamic Republic of Iran have expressed concern about at least 15 political activists feared to be at risk of execution in Iran’s detention centers.

January 7, 2010

Megjashi’s SOS phoneline: 16 years of existence

The SOS phone line for children and youth of the First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi turned its 16 years of its existence in 2009. During those 16 years, 17 784 reports were registered on different types of problems that the children are facing daily.

January 6, 2010

Frasik and Jaremowicz v. Poland – prisoner’s right to get married

On 5 January 2010 European Court of Human Rights passed a judgement in two analogous cases Frasik v. Republic of Poland (application no. 22933/02) and Jaremowicz v. Republic of Poland (no. 24023/03). The Court found that refusal to allowa prison inmate to marry breaches the Convention. Helisnki Foundation for Human Rights submitted in those cases amicus curiae brief.

January 6, 2010

CPJ concerned about deteriorating press freedom in Puntland, Somalia

The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about deteriorating press freedom conditions in Puntland, including detentions, censorship, harassment, and direct attacks by police officers. In recent months, media institutions and professionals in the region have come under fire on several occasions.