

January 15, 2010

Uganda: Anti-homosexuality bill to be presented before parliament

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, right, urged the Ugandan government today to shelve a “draconian” draft bill on homosexuality that is due to be put before the Ugandan parliament later in January, saying it would bring the country into a direct collision with established international human rights standards aimed at preventing discrimination.

January 15, 2010

Call for support for human rights defender, Enver Murgic

Human Rights House of Sarajevo, member of the Human Rights House Network, seeks international support in fight against the attack on human rights defender, Enver Murgic (on right).

January 15, 2010

Public debate

Racism, Intolerance, Ethnicity and Religion in B&H

January 14, 2010

RSF asks UN to investigate the fate of imprisoned Eritrean journalists

On 11 January 2010, the third anniversary of Eritrean journalist Fessehaye “Joshua” Yohannes’ death in detention, Reporters Without Borders wrote to Manfred Nowak, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, asking him to do everything possible to obtain an improvement in the conditions of journalists imprisoned in State of Eritrea.

January 14, 2010

Беларускія ўлады прыцягнутыя да адказу. Без моўнага бар’еру

Справаздача Міжнароднай камісіі юрыстаў па Беларусі, на аснове якой беларускія ўлады будуць праходзіць працэдуру Універсальнага перыядычнага агляду (УПА) у траўні 2010 годзе, з’явілася на рускай мове. Такім чынам, афіцыйны Мінск мае час, каб падрыхтавацца да адказу па 5 пунктах, прадстаўленых у дакуменце.

January 14, 2010

Index on Censorship welcomes Google stand on free expression

Index on Censorship welcomes Google’s announcement that it will no
longer co-operate with Chinese government censorship of its search engine Index on Censorship editor Jo Glanville: “Google’s decision to be transparent has already had a direct impact. This could be the start of a whole new approach to dealing with regimes that censor.”

January 14, 2010

‘Saharawi Gandhi’ under house arrest

The Western Sahara peace activist Aminatu Haidar, right, switched within hours from being on the verge of death from an enforced hunger strike in Spain to being held under house arrest at her home in El Aaiun. When you are fighting for civil rights for your country, your life is constantly at risk.

January 14, 2010

Race to the EU: Youth in the Last Ranks

Late December, B.a.B.e. representative Suzana Kunac presented significant research results on attitudes towards the European Union among Croatians. Youth are the most sceptical, it seems.

January 14, 2010

Bridge from Education to Employment


January 13, 2010

Independent media: no improvements so far

By the end of the year 2009 two independent newspapers face the pressure of Belarusian authorities. National paper “Narodnaja Volia” got the official warning and local newspaper “Hazieta Slonimskaja” was not registered. Belarusian officials quite obviously treat state media in different way than independent media, which is confronted with new attacks.

January 13, 2010

CURE Educational Program

Know Your Rights and Herstory, Empower and Activate Yourself!

January 11, 2010

Freedom to Write in the Americas campaign update

The situation for journalists grows ever bleaker in Mexico as another newspaper editor José Alberto Velázquez López was shot dead lately last year. In Cuba, 26 print journalist remain imprisoned, bloggers attacked. Some positive news come from Argentina where the government fulfilled their promise to decriminalize defamation.