

January 19, 2010

Crackdowns on gays make the closet safer

More than two-thirds of African countries have laws criminalizing homosexual acts, and despite accounting for a significant percentage of new infections in many countries, men who have sex with men tend to be left out of the HIV response.

January 19, 2010

Polish minority activist in Belarus under pressure

The criminal prosecution against the director of Polish House in Ivianiec Taresa Sobal town has been started. Teresa Sobal is a member of unrecognized Polish minority union, headed by Anzhalika (Andżelika) Borys. Members of the Polish organization call the prosecution a mere provocation.

January 19, 2010

Пикет в честь годовщины смерти правозащитника Станислава Маркелова и журналистки Анастасии Бабуровой

Несмотря на то, что власти санкционировали проведение пикета, посвященного первой годовщине смерти известного российского правозащитника Станислава Маркелова и журналистки Анастасии Бабуровой, около 60 человек было задержано и доставлено в отделение милиции по обвинению в нарушении законодательства.

January 19, 2010

Russia commemorates anniversary of Markelov and Baburova killings

Despite the fact that Moscow authorities allowed two demonstrations on January 19 to mark the anniversary of the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova, some 60 citizens were taken to the police, accused of violating the law.

January 19, 2010

6 год турмы за нацыянальны сцяг?

Актывісту партыі БНФ Сяргею Каваленку з Віцебска пагражае зняволенне тэрмінам да 6 гадоў. У адносінах да яго заведзена крымінальная справа па артыкуле 339 Крымінальнага Кодэксу Беларусі (хуліганства). Прычынай жа крымінальнай справы стаў нацыянальны сцяг Беларусі, вывешаны Каваленкам на галоўнай плошчы горада.

January 19, 2010

Anniversary of Russian HR lawyer and journalist commemorated

Amnesty International, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Human Rights House Foundation have issued a joint letter, commemorating the 1st anniversary of the killings of the prominent Russian human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov, right, and the Novaya Gazeta journalist Anastasia Baburova. Follow the link to the letter, right.

January 19, 2010

CMS Round Table

The experience of war history and lessons learned: Peaceful Reintegration

January 19, 2010

CMS Round Table

The experience of war history and lessons learned: Peaceful Reintegration

January 18, 2010

Georgian NGOs organize round table with international community

On January 15 the South Caucasus Network of Human Right Defenders, NGO coalition – Civil Manifesto and Georgian Young Lawyers Association organized a round table with International organizations and diplomats in Georgia on topic – “Ensuring safer and enabling environment for Human Rights Defenders in Georgia.”

January 18, 2010

Peaceful reintegration as a model of good practice in Croatia

CMS, CZMOS and Documenta wrote a public statement on the occasion of 12 years of peaceful reintegration of Eastern Slavonia and Podunavlje, calling the public and authorities to recognize the importance of this model of reintegration by officially announcing 15th January – a day of peace-building, trust and inter-national reconciliation.

January 18, 2010

NGOs in Georgia condemn the smear campaign against human rights defenders in the country

15 January, 2009

Non-governmental organizations in Georgia are deeply concerned by a smear campaign against human rights defenders and NGOs which surfaced in Georgia in December 2009. We are particularly concerned by the fact that those media and political figures used sensitive topics such as the Russia-Georgia war, ethno-territorial conflicts, minorities etc., to manipulate the public and mislead them in respect of human rights defenders and their work.

January 18, 2010

NGO Training

Providing legal aid to victims of domestic violence