

December 13, 2010

The human rights week at the Human Right House Tbilisi

On December 3, the HRH Tbilisi and its member organizations (Article 42 of constitution, HRIDC, GCRT, Union Sapari and the Center for Human Rights and Conflicts Studies Caucasia) launched the Human Rights Week which ended on December 10, the International Day for Human Rights. Within the Week, different events were organized including workshops, documentary film screenings and discussions. The purpose of the week was to popularize and bring increased recognition to the International Human Rights Day and to raise the awareness of the Georgian students, journalists and human rights defenders in the fields of human rights.

December 13, 2010

Presentation of CEDAW Report

Shadow Report Presentation

December 12, 2010

East and Horn of Africa – the most dangerous region for journalists

East and Horn of Africa is the most dangerous region in the world for journalists. Out of 145 reporters, editors, and photojournalists held behind bars on 1 December 2010, according to Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 25 are imprisoned in this region. 17 of them are jailed in State of Eritrea.

December 12, 2010

China lost its face by discrediting Nobel Peace Prize

By barring Liu and his wife from collecting the award, coming down hard on his supporters and muzzling debate on the subject, China’s actions have highlighted the human rights plight at home. Tibetans show their support to Liu Xiaobo and for his release.

December 12, 2010

Rafto laureate gathers Belarusian youth

While Republic of Belarus prepares for a presidential election on 19 December, Gennady Grushevoy, the 1999 Rafto Prize laureate from Republic of Belarus, and the Rafto Foundation organised a youth festival in Minsk in the beginning of December 2010.

December 12, 2010

Human Rights Day: a petition to the President of Belarus

On Human Rights Day, 10 December, 12 international civic and human rights organisations, including Belarusian Human Rights House and HRH Foundation, started a joint online petition. The human rights defenders urge the acting Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka and the 19 December 2010 newly elected President to respect and guarantee human rights in the Republic of Belarus.

December 12, 2010

У Дзень правоў чалавека – петыцыя да Прэзідэнта Беларусі

Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека стаў адным з 12 ініцыятараў электроннага збору подпісаў пад зваротам да кіраўніка Беларусі з рэкамендацыямі па паляпшэнні сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў краіне. Збор подпісаў працягнецца да інаўгурацыі прэзідэнта, выбары якога прызначаныя на 19 снежня.

December 11, 2010

У Дзень правоў чалавека – петыцыя да беларускіх уладаў

Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека стаў адным з 12 ініцыятараў электроннага збору подпісаў пад зваротам да кіраўніка Беларусі з рэкамендацыямі па паляпшэнні сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў краіне. Збор подпісаў працягнецца да інаўгурацыі прэзідэнта, выбары якога прызначаныя на 19 снежня.

December 10, 2010

Online petition calling for respect of human rights

On the International Human Rights Day, 10 December, 12 international civic and human rights organisations start a joint online petition at The human rights defenders urge the acting President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the 19 December 2010 newly elected President to respect and guarantee human rights in the Republic of Belarus.

December 10, 2010

Семинар «Права человека и психиатрия»

13 декабря 2010 года Независимая Психиатрическая Ассоциация России и Московская Хельсинкская Группа проведут семинар для представителей неправительственных организаций «Права человека и психиатрия».

December 10, 2010

Seminar ‘Human Rights and Psychiatry’

On the 13th of December, 2010 Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia (RRCHR) in cooperation with Moscow Helsinki Group (RRCHR) will organize a seminar ‘Human Rights and Psychiatry’ within the projects on the protection of people with mental disorders and prevention of tortures in closed establishments of Russia.

December 9, 2010

Council of Europe Committee of Ministers calls for Eynulla Fatullayev’s release

Journalists and free speech supporters in the Republic of Azerbaijan look at the Council of Europe for guidance and the Council did not let them down. It’s now time for the Azerbaijani authorities to let Eynulla Fatullayev go, says Lucie Morillon, Head of the New Media Desk of Reporters Without Borders.