

December 5, 2010

New NHC’s report “Persona Non Grata”: The CIS ban system for human rights defenders and journalists

The new Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s report shows that over the past several years, six members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have developed a common system, where individuals who are denied entry to one of the six member states automatically are denied entry to the others. This means an attempt of the states to limit contact between human rights activists at home with their colleagues abroad.

December 4, 2010

New constitution in place in Kenya, ‘only’ lacking implementation

Deeply entrenched political interests, lack of political cohesion, weak institutional structures and elite groups keen to maintain status quo are some of the challenges facing implementation of Kenya’s new constitution. president Mwai Kibaki, right, is keen to leave a legacy. But what legacy it will be – reformist or reactionary – remains an open question.

December 3, 2010

Представители НПА посетили Московскую психиатрическую больницу № 5

2 декабря сотрудники Независимой психиатрической ассоциации России Ю.С.Савенко (врач-психиатр), Л.Н.Виноградова (медицинский психолог) и Н.В.Спиридонова (врач-психиатр) совместно с представителями Аппарата Уполномоченного по правам человека г. Москвы посетили Московскую психиатрическую больницу № 5 в связи с большим количеством жалоб, поступающих от пациентов больницы и их родственников.

December 3, 2010

IPA visited Moscow Mental Health Facility №5

On the 2nd of December, 2010 representatives of Independent Psychiatric of the Russian Federation (IPA) psychiatrists Yuri Savenko and Natalia Spiridonova and Liubov Vinogradova, medical psychologist, in cooperation with representatives of Federal Ombudsman’s Administration visited Moscow Metal Health Facility №5 in connection of large number complaints from the patients of hospital and their relatives.

December 3, 2010

Civic Monitoring of Candidates of Judges of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

Coalition of three Polish NGOs: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka), Inpris (Inpris Instytut Prawa i Społeczeństwa) and Polish Section of The International Commission of Jurists (Polska Sekcja Międzynarodowej Komisji Prawników) monitors the elections of judges of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal.

December 3, 2010

Mandates of the Public Supervising Committees of new calling

On the 14 of December in the building of Government of Moscow region new mandates of the Public Supervising Committees will be handing out.

December 3, 2010

Вручение мандатов ОНК МО нового созыва

14 декабря в здании Правительства Московской области состоится вручение мандатов Общественной наблюдательной комиссии по Московской области нового созыва.

December 2, 2010

Romania needs a moral awakening, the 1989 Rafto laureate says

Romania needs a moral awakening, the 1989 Rafto laureate Doina Cornea tells Norwegian activists. Doina Cornea (81) was awarded the Rafto Prize in 1989 for her work as a dissident during the communist regime of Nicolae Ceauşescu. Today she sadly speaks about youth’s moral decay, corruption and dirty politics in her country.

December 1, 2010

Kazakhstan: OSCE commitments remain unfulfilled

The government of Republic of Kazakhstan has failed to fulfil their commitment to improve the situation for journalists and media before their chairmanship of the OSCE ends. Article 19 and Adil Soz is concerned that they have failed to promote democracy or enhance freedom of expression during their chairmanship.

December 1, 2010

Belarus on the election eve: spicing up autocracy with democracy?

As the election campaign is gathering pace, the authorities are doing everything to create an appearance of freedom and equality for all candidates. Ten contenders for the main office were all registered without problems. However, looking closely, it becomes clear that the liberalization is strictly controlled by the authorities, and the equal opportunity is no more than an elaborate farce.

November 30, 2010

New regulatory legislation: a threat to peace-building in Georgia

With Georgia’s ‘State Strategy on Occupied Territories: Engagement through Cooperation,’ the government has adopted new modalities for conducting activities in the occupied territories. Both Georgian civil society and international organizations have received the strategy critically, saying that the new restrictions the Georgian government has placed on their work in Abkhazia and South Ossetia will destroy the small amount of trust that has been built up between the conflicting sides.

November 30, 2010

Fatullayev’s fate – in the hands of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers

Representatives from four international non-governmental organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, undertake a joint advocacy mission on 30 November – 2 December to the Council of Europe during the Ministers’ Deputies meeting to raise their serious concerns regarding the Azerbaijani government’s non-compliance with the European Court’s ruling in Fatullayev’s case.