

December 9, 2010

Human rights day: governments encouraged to protect the freedom of expression of HR defenders

On the occasion of the Human Rights Day, Article 19 calls on governments to protect the freedom of expression of human rights defenders speaking out against discrimination and other human rights abuses.

December 9, 2010

Women in political life of BiH

Woman and Society Center recently conducted a study where they have analyzed the presence of women in political and public life, during the general election year 2010 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

December 9, 2010

Даклад аб катаваннях у Беларусі: цяпер і па-ангельску

Даклад, падрыхтаваны беларускімі праваабаронцамі, будзе разгледжаны як альтэрнатыўны афіцыйнаму Камітэтам супраць катаванняў ААН увесну 2012 г. Да таго часу праваабаронцы спадзяюцца наладзіць дыялог з беларускімі ўладамі, якія ўпарта адмаўляюць любыя факты катаванняў у беларускіх турмах і на супрацоўніцтва ідуць неахвотна.

December 9, 2010

Дзень правоў чалавека ў ЕГУ

Студэнцкае прадстаўніцтва ЕГУ запрашае ў Дзень правоў чалавека здаць кроў і падпісацца за бязвізавы рух!

December 9, 2010

Human Rights Day at European Humanities University

The Belarusian university in exile in Lithuania is inviting everybody to contribute to the Human Rights Day by donating blood and signing a manifesto for visa-free movement.

December 8, 2010

Demonstration “Free Liu Xiaobo!”

The embassy will be handed over tens of thousands of signatures on the protest letter to Liu Xiaobo, collected in Norway and internationally.

The banners for the demonstration will call “Free Liu Xiaobo!” and “Free all Prisoners of conscience in China”.

December 8, 2010

Torchlight for Liu Xiaobo

The procession will start with speeches at Youngstorget and end in front of the Grand Hotel, where a picture of Liu Xiaobo will be projected throughout the hotel front in the absence of the Nobel Peace Prize winner on the balcony.

There will also be held torchlight processions in Trondheim and Kristiansand.

December 7, 2010

HR defenders and lawyers: to teach and unify

The gap between international standards and the national law is a significant issue for human rights defenders in the Republic of Belarus. The International Law in Advocacy program is directed at tackling this problem. On 26-30 November the training session “Bring International Standards Home” within the program framework was organised for human rights defenders and lawyers in Vilnius.

December 7, 2010

Presidential elections in Belarus: reform or stagnation?

On the surface we have been seeing a different kind of Lukashenko the last few months, with less tension, repressions and sense of intimidation, both Tatiana Reviaka and Pavel Sheremet noted during the seminar organized by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee on 3 December 2010 at the House of Literature in Oslo. Despite that both experts do not expect these elections to be democratic.

December 6, 2010

Праваабаронцы і адвакаты: вучыць і аб’ядноўваць

Зазор паміж міжнароднымі стандартамі і нацыянальным правам – істотная праблема для праваабаронцаў Беларусі. На яе вырашэнне накіраваная праграма “International Law in Advocacy”, у межах якой у Вільні 26-28 лістапада прайшла навучальная сэсія для праваабаронцаў, а 29-30 – семінар праекту “Фактычнае выкананне міжнародных абавязанняў у судовай практыцы Беларусі”.

December 6, 2010

FRA’s report on the discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity

On November 30 2010, FRA presented a report entitled “Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity – 2010 Update” to the members of the European Parliament. According to the report in some of the Member States the level of protection has improved – due to both legal developments and the changes in practice, while there are still countries where the rights of LGBT persons are limited or neglected.

December 5, 2010

China: increased political freedom?

Three decades ago the People´s Republic of China changed it policy: opened itself to the international trade and invited world community to cooperate. Since then its economy is growing impressively. Unfortunately there has been not much progress in political reforms. The question is: can the recent situation continue?