

December 20, 2010

Report on public access to court judgments in Poland

As a part of “Better Justice System” (Lepszy Wymiar Sprawiedliwości) two NGOs: the Civic Development Forum and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights published a report on the availability of judicial decisions in the Republic of Poland. The aim of the program is to diagnose the current problems of the Polish judiciary and to formulate recommendations in order to reform it.

December 20, 2010

Take a course on multiculturalism – new project of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

A Course and an e-handbook for intercultural trainers, vademecum and webpage for the public sector staff as well as broad audience – all about multiculturalism and non-discrimination. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in the Republic of Poland has started its new project.

December 20, 2010

Election aftermath: Call to stop violence and release the detained

Over 50 partners of the Human Rights House Network sent a letter of concern to the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today, condemning the crackdown on demonstrators, arrests and beatings of journalists, human rights defenders and opposition candidates, which happened in the aftermath of the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Republic of Belarus.

December 18, 2010

Политические репрессии в Забайкалье

17 декабря 2010 года в 12.00 в Независимом пресс-центре состоялась пресс-конференция «Политические репрессии в Забайкалье» (Репрессии против защитников 31-ой статьи Конституции).

December 17, 2010

Lukashenko 4.0 – enrich, be free, but without democracy

On December 19, presidential elections was held in the Republic of Belarus. Never before have there been so many candidates. So why was there no real change? Right, incumbent president Lukashenko, likely to stay in power.

December 16, 2010

Belarusian authorities hesitant to cooperate on torture

A report on torture by Belarusian HR defenders is now available in English. The UN Committee Against Torture is going to examine it as an alternative to the official one in 2012. The rights defenders would like to use the time left to establish a dialogue with the authorities. However, in their report the government insists no torture occurs in Belarusian prisons.

December 16, 2010

INTERIGHTS: International lawyers launch legal action in Poland on behalf of Abu Zubaydah

International lawyers have launched legal action in the Republic of Poland on behalf of Abu Zubaydah, the first victim of the CIA’s experimental torture programme, regarding crimes committed in the CIA’s ‘most important’ secret prison in Stare Kiejkuty, Republic of Poland.

December 16, 2010

Alternative CEDAW Report: Position of women in BiH

The issues of gender equality, realization of women’s human rights in public and private spheres, and the application of domestic laws and international obligations, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of discrimination against Women (CEDAW), have been pushed into the background in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country still burdened by ethnic and national divisions, which hinder the social, economic and political development, and dominate the public discourse.

December 15, 2010

Concerning the political prisoner Nikol Pashinyan

48 members of the Human Rights House Network and of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders have issued a statement in which they express deep concern about the recent attacks on the Armenian political prisoner Nikol Pashinyan and call upon the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to immediately release him.

December 14, 2010

Cooperation of psychiatrists and human rights defenders will be resumed

On the 13th of December Independent Psychiatric Association of the Russian Federation and Moscow Helsinki Group held a seminar ‘Human Rights and Psychiatry’ within the projects on the protection of people with mental disorders and prevention of tortures in closed establishments of the Russian Federation. More then 40 experts, representatives of regional NGOs visited the event.

December 14, 2010

Сотрудничество психиатров и правозащитников будет продолжено

13 декабря в Москве в гостинице «Турист» прошел заключительный семинар в рамках проектов по защите прав граждан с психическими расстройствами и предотвращению пыток в закрытых учреждениях России, организованный НПА России совместно с Московской Хельсинкской группой при финансовой поддержке Европейской Комиссии. На семинаре присутствовали более 40 человек из разных регионов России, представители правозащитных организаций, в том числе тех, которые защищают права инвалидов.

December 14, 2010

HRHF and FIDH organise joint mission to UN ahead of Georgia’s UPR

The two independent organisations Human Rights Center in Georgia and Georgian Young Lawyers Association go today to Geneva to meet various state delegations to lobby them to raise concerns among others about freedom of expression, assembly, and the rule of law in Georgia. This is part of the independent human rights sector’s preparations for Georgia’s UPR, scheduled for the 10th session, end of January 2011.