

July 20, 2012

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on human rights defenders

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in its Resolution 1891 (2012) calls on the member States of the Council of Europe to “ensure observance of fundamental freedoms of human rights defenders and put an end to any administrative, fiscal or judicial harassment of human rights defenders.”

July 19, 2012

Human rights situation worsened after Eurovision

In the aftermath of the Eurovision Song Contest, the Azerbaijani authorities have targeted critical journalists and activists.

July 19, 2012

Poland: Appealing against a ban on an assembly

During its last session, the lower chamber of the Polish Parliament passed amendments to the Assemblies Act. The new restrictions are unnecessary and excessive.

July 18, 2012

Armenia avoids difficult issues at UN

Armenia’s review at the Human Rights Committee showed that the government is not ready to address the most difficult issues, such as the impunity after the March 2008 events, the protection of LGBT people and the killing of soldiers at the army.

July 17, 2012

Russia adopts law limiting Internet freedom

Russia’s Parliament has recently passed a number of new bills aiming to restrict freedom of action of civil society and to silence critical voices. Last week the Russian State Duma adopted a new law which limits freedom of information on the Internet.

July 17, 2012

Bialiatski: pressure from the authorities and support of the international community

In July the Belarusian political prisoner, HR defender Ales Bialiatski has lost two more court cases. By verdicts of two Minsk Courts, Bialiatski is to pay more than 140 million roubles as a fine, and also the apartment where human rights defenders from “Viasna” worked is to be confiscated. At the same time, world-known personalities and organisations voice their support for Bialiatski.

July 17, 2012

Няцацачныя жарсці вакол «цацачнага дэсанта»: затрыманні, допыты, экспертызы

4 ліпеня шведскія пілоты абышлі беларускую супрацьпаветраную абарону і скінулі на ранішні Мінск 800 цацак. Па падазрэнні ў датычнасці да арганізацыі акцыі Камітэтам дзяржбяспекі быў затрыманы 20-гадовы журналіст Антон Сурапін (на фота), на чыім сайце з’явіліся першыя здымкі «плюшавага дэсанта».

July 17, 2012

Rafto Prize laureate plans to establish a peace center in DR Congo

In devastating circumstances, Rafto Prize laureate Bulambo Lembelembe Josué is fighting for peace through conflict resolution and education. His newest commitment towards peace in the region is establishment of a peace center situated in Goma, in north Kivu province in eastern DR Congo.

July 16, 2012

Poet Carol Ann Duffy wins PEN Pinter Prize

English PEN has announced the winner of 2012 Pen Pinter Prize. The fourth recipient of the award poet Carol Ann Duffy is rewarded for outstanding contribution to literature and her commentary on contemporary events.

July 15, 2012

English PEN Summer Party 2012

English PEN will present the annual PEN Ackerley Prize for memoir.

July 15, 2012

What will Lord Justice Leveson conclude about the future of the British press?

It has been a year since the Prime Minister announced an inquiry examining the culture, practices and ethics of the media in light of the phone-hacking scandal.

July 14, 2012

Бяляцкі: ціск уладаў Беларусі і падтрымка міжнароднай супольнасці

Мінскі суд не задаволіў скаргу Алеся Бяляцкага аб спагнанні з яго пені. Паводле яшчэ аднаго судовага рашэння будзе канфіскаваная кватэра, дзе працуюць праваабаронцы «Вясны». У той жа час Бяляцкаму выказваюць падтрымку сусветна вядомыя дзеячы і арганізацыі.