

July 28, 2012

Нават пасля прашэння аб памілаванні палітвязня Каваленку не вызваляюць з турмы

Актывіст КХП БНФ Сяргей Каваленка напісаў прашэнне аб памілаванні пад ціскам адміністрацыі яшчэ 25 чэрвеня, але дагэтуль знаходзіцца за кратамі.

July 27, 2012

Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the case of Sergei Magnitsky

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed the Foundation on the measures taken to clear up the circumstances of the Sergei Magnitsky’s death. The Ministry’s letter indicated that as a result of the collaboration of the European states, including Poland, on 27 March 2012 the European Council took a position and called on Russia to not only pursue a comprehensive and thorough investigation into the death of Sergei Magnitsky but also to close the long-pending proceedings and to hold the guilty accountable for their actions.

July 26, 2012

Al-Nashiri’s application against Poland communicated to the Polish Government

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg communicated to the Polish authorities the application brought in the case of al-Nashiri vs. Poland. The ECtHR obliged the Polish Government to disclose a series of information concerning the case of 5 September 2012.

July 26, 2012

International NGOs express concern over violent agrarian conflict in Honduras

We, the international organizations signing below, would like to express our severe indignation regarding the three most recent murders of peasants in the context of the agrarian conflict in Bajo Aguán.

July 26, 2012

End legal proceedings against lawyer Intigam Aliyev

Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders call upon the President of the Republic of Turkey to ensure that all charges against Azerbaijani human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev are immediately and unconditionally dropped and compensation for the acts of ill-treatment he suffered in Ataturk Airport provided.

July 24, 2012

FIAN demands return to democratic rule in Paraguay

In light of the grave political incidents that have occurred in Paraguay and have led to the impeachment of President Fernando Lugo, who had been elected in free democratic elections in April 2008, FIAN condemns the so-called political trial of President Lugo, denies the legitimacy of the current government and supports those who, faced with this situation, are demanding the fulfilment of international agreements violated by those who now hold the State power.

July 24, 2012

Violence in Myanmar continues

The violence, which reached its bloodiest point in June, constituted some of the country’s deadliest sectarian bloodshed in years and raised international concerns about the Rohingya minority group’s fate inside Myanmar.

July 23, 2012

Two Belarusians detained on charges of “teddy bear drop” (updated)

Journalist Anton Surapin and real-estate agent Siarhei Basharymau have been arrested and are still kept in custody for their alleged involvement in the case of the “teddy bear drop”. At least two more people were interrogated by KGB officers. Amnesty International calls for the release of Surapin. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defence has not recognized the fact of violation of Belarusian border by the Swedish aircraft which dropped teddy bears on the territory of the country.

July 22, 2012

A journalist and human rights defender beaten in Bosnia-Herzegovina

In a small town, 170 kilometres south of Sarajevo, a journalist and human rights defender was beaten. Incident qualified by the local police as a minor event.

July 22, 2012

Belarus: journalist put behind bars for publishing photos of teddy bears that were not there

A young Belarusian journalist has been arrested and detained – for publishing photographs of teddy bears. The bears were dropped over Belarus on 4 July by a Swedish advertising agency designed to promote free expression. The Belarusian government denies the flight.

July 22, 2012

Ужо 2 беларусы знаходзяцца ў СІЗА КДБ па справе аб “плюшавым дэсанце” (абноўлена)

Па справе аб “плюшавым дэсанце” затрыманыя і да сяго часу знаходзяцца пад вартай журналіст Антон Сурапін і рыэлтар Сяргей Башарымаў. Вядома, што прынамсі яшчэ два чалавекі былі дапытаныя супрацоўнікамі КДБ. “Міжнародная амністыя” заклікае вызваліць Сурапіна. Між тым, Мінабароны дагэтуль не прызнае факт пралёту цераз беларускую мяжу шведскага самалёта, які раскідаў цацкі.

July 21, 2012

Bear drop action causes troubles in Belarus

On 4 July Swedish pilots penetrated Belarusian air defence and dropped around 800 toys on Minsk. Anton Surapin (right), a 20-year-old journalist who was the first to publish photos of “teddy bear drop” on his web-site, was detained by the KGB on suspicion of involvement in the organisation of the actions.