When: Thursday, 19. July 2012 19:00-20:30
Where: London, Frontline club, 13 Norfolk Place, W2 1QJ
Host: Index on Censorship
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/2012/07/what-will-lord-justice-leveson-conclude-about-the-future-of-the-british-press/

Since then it has been heard from journalists, editors, proprietors, politicians and victims of phone-hacking. As hearings come to a close and Lord Justice Leveson begins to compile his report, join Frontline and Index on Censorship for a panel discussion, followed by Q&A on what the Inquiry has learned and what it should achieve.

Will new regulation damage the free press? How should public interest be defined? Can we ensure protection for sources and whistleblowers? How should relationships between journalists, proprietors, politicians and police be conducted in the future?

Panel includes: Brian Cathcart, professor of journalism at Kingston University London and founder of the Hacked Off campaign, David Aaronovitch, author, broadcaster, and journalist.

Tickets: Book here.