

July 5, 2012

Land grabbing in Cambodia: EU Trade Commissioner negligent of human rights abuse

In Cambodia today, hundreds of thousands of people are being alienated from their homes, farmlands, forests and fisheries as the country’s ruling elites and foreign investors plunder the country for private profit in the name of ‘development’. In rural areas, more than 2 million hectares – 12 percent of Cambodia’s total landmass – has been granted to private companies as concessions for the development of agro-industrial plantations.

July 5, 2012

Mexico: aftermath of presidential election

Enrique Peña Nieto, the young face of Mexico’s oldest political party, was chosen by Mexican people to lead the country out of arguably the most turbulent period in its history since the Mexican Revolution. Peña Nieto’s PRI, which governed Mexico for 71 years until losing in 2000, has staged a comeback since the candidate was chosen.

July 5, 2012

Жорстка збітаму міліцыянтамі актывісту прысудзілі штраф

4 ліпеня адбыўся суд над актывістам грамадзянскай кампаніі «Еўрапейская Беларусь» Андрэем Моўчанам (на фота), які 19 траўня быў жорстка збіты міліцыянтамі за тое, што выйшаў на вуліцу з бел-чырвона-белым сцягам.

July 4, 2012

Organisations warn about a difficult situation of migrant children in Poland

On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, Amnesty International, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the Polish Humanitarian Action and the Association for Legal Intervention warn about a difficult situation of migrant children in Poland. In 2011, more than 500 foreign children, including refugee children, and their guardians were detained and placed in guarded centres for foreigners.

July 1, 2012

Article 19: Rio+20 summit results in unambitious Outcome Document with positive elements

Article 19 was an active campaigner for making the right to free expression and information central to the Rio+20 earth summit declaration. However, the organisation criticises the outcome document “The Future We Want” as being unambitious and lacking in tangible commitments.

June 29, 2012

Liudmila Ulyashyna: Violations in the Belarusian Bar lead to systemic violations of human rights

Graduates of the project “Bring International Standards Home. De facto implementation of international obligations of the Republic of Belarus in the field of civil rights and freedoms” developed and published materials on advocacy issues as well as problems with protecting the rights of those criminally and administratively prosecuted in Belarus.

June 27, 2012

Appeal on ill-treatment of Ales Belyatsky in a penal colony

The HFHR has appealed to Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament and to the European External Action Service on the conditions of detention and treatment of Ales Belyatsky, a Belarusian human rights defender, who is currently serving his time in a penal colony. Mr Belyatsky was sentenced to four and half years in a high-security colony and property forfeiture for alleged tax evasion.

June 27, 2012

HFHR intervenes in response to anti-Semitic assaults in the Lublin region

The HFHR requested General Krzysztof Bondaryk, head of the Internal Security Agency, to take decisive actions in the case of repetitive anti-Semitic assaults in Lublin. In its intervention, the HFHR recalled the case of Tomasz Pietrasiewicz, leader of The Grodzka Gate –Theatre NN in Lublin.

June 27, 2012

Follow live the Human Rights Council debate on Belarus

The United Nations Human Rights Council began its debate on the human rights situation in Belarus on Wednesday 27 June 2012. Follow live on Wednesday and Thursday.

June 26, 2012

NHC: Implementation of the EU Central Asia Strategy needs some improvement

It has been five years since the EU adopted its Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asia. As EU foreign ministers prepare to take stock of progress so far, a number of civil society organizations, including Norwegian Helsinki Committee, would like to suggest ways to improve the effectiveness and impact of EU action to promote human rights in Central Asia.

June 26, 2012

Л.Ульяшына: Парушэнні ў беларускай адвакатуры вядуць да сістэмных парушэнняў абароны правоў чалавека

Выпускнікі праекта “Імплементацыя дэ-факта міжнародных абавязацельстваў Рэспублікі Беларусь у галіне грамадзянскіх правоў і свабод” распрацавалі і апублікавалі матэрыялы пра праблемы адвакатуры і праблемы ў галіне абароны правоў тых, хто падвяргаецца крымінальнаму і адміністратыўнаму пераследу ў Беларусі.

June 26, 2012

Serious concerns about the right to freedom of expression and media freedom in Azerbaijan

NGOs call for the government of Azerbaijan to take measures to ensure the right to freedom of expression