

May 17, 2016

Былы палітвязень дамогся кампенсацыі праз суд

У 2012 годзе малады беларускі фатограф больш за месяц правёў у СІЗА КДБ Беларусі па абвінавачанні ў тым, што нібыта дапамагаў арганізатарам «плюшавага дэсанту», нелегальна трапіць у краіну. «Плюшавы дэсант» – акцыя пратэсту супраць парушэнняў свабоды слова ў Беларусі, калі грамадзяне Швецыі скінулі з самалёта мноства цацачных «плюшавых мішак» з прымацаванымі да іх надпісамі .

May 13, 2016

EU Parliament adopts resolution on Crimean Tatars

On 12 May 2016, the EU Parliament adopted a resolution on the Crimean Tatars. HRHN welcomes this resolution, and calls on Russia, as well as Ukraine and the international community, to address the deteriorating human rights situation in Crimea.

May 12, 2016

Targeted Russian Journalist Elena Milashina wins Free Media Award

Fritt Ord and ZEIT-Stiftung awarded Elena Milashina – correspondent in the Northern Caucasus for Novaya Gazeta – one of three Free Media Prizes for Independent Journalism in Eastern Europe. HRHN welcomes this award and calls on the international community to support Milashina and other Russian journalists.

May 4, 2016

“Critical Mass” in Minsk ended up in brutal detentions

The cyclists in many countries organize “Critical Mass” ride on the last Friday of the month. By this they want to draw the attention of city authorities and force them to make the city more convenient for the bicycles. The similar ride was held in Minsk on 29 April, and it ended up in detentions and searches.

May 4, 2016

Human Rights to the Regions – Annual Report of Human Rights House Tbilisi Monitoring

Human Rights House Tbilisi prepared a report Human Rights to the Regions – annual report about the state of human rights and basic freedoms in Georgia.
Monitoring by the Human Rights House Tbilisi (HRHT) revealed violation of civil-political and social-economic rights of citizens. Ongoing developments in the country, existing hard social and economic state, unstable state policy create problems in the field of human rights too.

May 3, 2016

«Крытычная маса» ў Мінску скончылася брутальнымі затрыманнямі ўдзельнікаў

У апошнюю пятніцу месяца раварысты многіх краін ладзяць масавы заезд «Крытычная маса». Такім чынам яны хочуць звярнуць на сябе ўвагу гарадскіх уладаў і змусіць зрабіць горад зручнейшым для велатранспарту. Такі ж заезд прайшоў у Мінску 29 красавіка і скончыўся затрыманнямі і вобшукамі.

May 2, 2016

Khadija Ismayil awarded on World Press Freedom Day

Khadija Ismayil is an independent investigative journalist in Azerbaijan. Since 5 December 2014, she is behind bars in her country, solely due to her reporting.

April 29, 2016

CoE Secretary General proposes a mechanism to address reprisals against human rights defenders

Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland has proposed to establish a mechanism to strengthen the protection of human rights defenders in his third annual report. HRHN acknowledges and welcomes this proposal.

April 28, 2016

Sports for Rights urges performers to cancel Baku shows

In June, Azerbaijan will host the Formula One European Grand Prix, despite the on-going crackdown on human rights. The Sport for Rights campaign, of which Human Rights House Network is member, urges Pharell Williams, Enrique Iglesias and Chris Brown to cancel their proposed performances connected to the event.