

February 18, 2021

CSP: Unprecedented crackdown on Belarusian civil society must be stopped

Following a renewed wave of persecution of the Belarusian human rights defenders, civil society activists and independent journalists, members of the Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP) strongly condemn actions of the Belarusian authorities and urge them to stop the harassment and show genuine respect towards the rights of those who seek to protect the rights of their fellow citizens and not to criminalize their legitimate human rights work.

February 16, 2021

Беларускія ўлады абавязаныя неадкладна спыніць узгоднены напад на праваабаронцаў, журналістаў і іх арганізацыі

Фундацыя Дамоў правоў чалавека заклікае ўлады Беларусі неадкладна спыніць узгоднены напад на праваабаронцаў, журналістаў і іх арганізацыі

February 16, 2021

Belarusian authorities must immediately end the coordinated attack against human rights defenders, journalists and organisations

Following a renewed crackdown on 16 February 2021, Human Rights House Foundation demands that Belarusian authorities immediately cease their coordinated and on-going attack against journalists, human rights defenders and organisations.

February 5, 2021

Belarus must immediately release imprisoned journalists

Human Rights House Foundation and 16 other organisations call for all imprisoned journalists to be immediately released in Belarus.

January 26, 2021

Civic Solidarity Platform calls for the release of Andrei Aliaksandrau

Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP) has issued a statement expressing alarm at the arrest of journalist Andrei Aliaksandrau and his partner, Irina Zlobina in Minsk on 13 January 2021. The statement, signed by several CSP member organisations including Human Rights House Foundation, calls for their immediate release along with all others imprisoned in violation of the rights to freedom of expression and assembly.

December 1, 2020

#StopSLAPPs: Coalition calls on EU to take action against gag lawsuits targeting watchdogs.

Human Rights House Foundation is among 60 organisations jointly calling for the EU to take action against SLAPPs – the gag lawsuits silencing journalists, activists and human rights defenders across Europe. The coalition of organisations today endorses the Model EU Anti-SLAPP Directive ahead of the European Commission’s launch of its European Democracy Action Plan (EDAP).

November 23, 2020

We don’t want to be sued into silence

More and more journalists and civil society organisations are being sued by powerful businessmen and politicians. We call on the EU to ensure those with a watchdog role are protected from gag lawsuits. This scrutiny is the lifeblood of healthy democracies, writes a group of 99 organisations including Human Rights House Foundation.

November 16, 2020

“Change” was the heartbeat of the summer and this election campaign

“It was in spring 2020, during the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, when I started feeling that the situation was changing… Belarusians were changing.”

September 25, 2020

Belarus: Criminal defamation case against editor-in-chief of Nasha Niva Yahor Martsinovich must be dropped

Human Rights House Foundation joins 30 Belarusian and international organisations calling for the Belarusian authorities to drop their criminal defamation lawsuit against editor-in-chief of Nasha Niva, Yahor Martsinovich and to immediately release him from custody.