

September 20, 2018

HRHF statement on the adoption of Azerbaijan’s UPR

Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement during the adoption of Azerbaijan’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC39). This statement enjoys the support of four Azerbaijan human rights organisations.

July 3, 2018

HRHF statement on Ukraine at HRC38

Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement on Ukraine to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC38). This statement enjoys the support of four Ukrainian human rights organisations.

July 2, 2018

Assembly and association “enable rights”

UN Special Rapporteur Clément Voule introduces his aims and priorities for freedom of assembly and association mandate, and discusses cooperation with civil society, in an interview with HRHF on the sidelines of HRC38.

June 18, 2018

HRHF statement on assembly and association HRC38

Speaking during a dialogue on the freedoms of association and assembly, Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement to the UN Human Rights Council #HRC38.

June 12, 2018

Annual Report 2017/18

Time and again in 2017 we saw how resilient, creative, and adaptable human rights defenders can be in the face of repression.

May 14, 2018

Human Rights Organisations Respond to Large-Scale Special Operation Carried Out in Tbilisi

Signatory organizations respond and express our concerns regarding unprecedented large-scale police operations carried out simultaneously at several clubs of Tbilisi at midnight on May 12 and afterward massive and arbitrary detention by the police of members of the spontaneously organized rally in Tbilisi streets, as well as interference with the assembly and the incidents of degrading treatment.

April 24, 2018

Belarus human rights engagement yet to bring concrete results

Raising concerns about the lack of progress on human rights in Belarus, the European Parliament has demanded that the European Union sets clear benchmarks in its engagement.

April 20, 2018

Human rights defenders detained amid Armenia protests

As peaceful protests against the long-time rule of Serzh Sargsyan continue in Armenia, authorities today targeted human rights defenders and journalists, adding to arrests and violence against protesters in recent days.

March 16, 2018

Russia: Repression on the eve of elections

While many commentators discuss the lack of credible opposition candidates in the Russian election, perhaps just as damaging for democracy is the lack of space for journalists, activists, non-governmental organisations, and human rights defenders.