HRHF Annual Report 2018/19
Discover how Human Rights House Foundation protected and advanced the rights of human rights defenders, strengthened independent civil society, and supported a strong, active network of Human Rights Houses.
Addressing human rights violations in Ukrainian law enforcement
“Human rights violations in law enforcement are affected by two main factors: motivation and impunity… It is around these two factors that we build our strategy.”
Fest2019: “A laboratory for innovative human rights education”
Bringing together human rights defenders from across Ukraine and abroad, Educational Human Rights Fest in Chernihiv welcomed around 200 participants, volunteers, and speakers from 16-28 July 2019.
Ukraine: Base juvenile justice reforms on international standards
Ukraine is in the process of reforming its system for juvenile justice. Advocating for these reforms to be based on international human rights standards, Mart, member of Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv, and Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR, Poland) have undertaken a joint project with the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice.
A Belief in Human Rights Education
“Not many people know about human rights in Ukraine, and similar to other countries in our region, what people know is often distorted. We look for the entry point with people… a place where we can start discussing human rights values, philosophy, and history.”
Oslo Event: Breakfast Briefing on Human Rights in Crimea
Join us at Human Rights House Oslo on 21 March 2019, five years after the Russian annexation of Crimea, for a briefing by human rights defenders on the human rights situation. This will draw on the findings of the recent mission to Crimea by representatives of three Human Rights Houses.
Euromaidan: Five Years of Impunity
“On the eve of elections, there is a temptation for Ukrainian authorities to say that the investigation into Euromaidan is finished… but they haven’t fulfilled one of the key requirements of Euromaidan – to stop impunity and bring rule of law to the country.”
HRH Chernihiv takes over development of ILIA Online
To build on the successes of ILIA Online, Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv has taken over the operation and further development of the human rights education programme and platform, and is in the process of consulting partners from across the network of Human Rights Houses.
In Exile for Defending Human Rights
“I remembered how we made the decision to leave the occupied territories of Crimea,” recalled Tetyana Bondarenko, an attendee of an exhibition featuring seven suitcases containing the belongings of human rights defenders forced to leave their homes.