

April 7, 2014

Международная конференция выпускников проекта “Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека”

Сеть домов прав человека и партнеры из стран-участниц проекта «Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека» объявляют конкурс на участие в международной конференции проекта, которая состоится в Вильнюсе (Литва) 2-3 июня 2014 года.

March 17, 2014

Support, empower and protect human rights defenders

In March 2013, the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on the protection of human rights defenders. It establishes principles and standards for States to create an enabling environment for human rights defenders. One year after its adoption, the Human Rights House Network calls upon States to implement this resolution.

March 17, 2014


In many parts of the Balkans, Caucasus and Eastern Europe human rights defenders face threats and violence, slander and intimidations, and are the targets of new laws restricting their rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, and simply to work to defend human rights.

December 12, 2013

Traditional (national) values versus universal human rights norms

Panel discussion: “traditional (national) values versus universal human rights norms – How can human rights defenders react?”

December 2, 2013

Vladimir Putin is met by protests in Armenia

Following Armenia’s decision to join a customs union with the Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin is visiting the country on Monday 2 December. The protests in favour of rapprochement with the European Union spread from Maidan in Kiev to Yerevan.

November 26, 2013

The UN’s human rights work should be increased

Members of the Human Rights House Network (HRHN) express their concern to learn that the European Union is aiming at further reducing the ordinary budget of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The NGOs call upon the European Union to support the work of the Office, by increasing its ordinary budget as a way to strengthen the impact of its work and cooperation by all States.

November 26, 2013

Worrisome pressure by the European Union to further reduce the UN human rights budget

Members of the Human Rights House Network (HRHN) express their concern to learn that the European Union is aiming at further reducing the ordinary budget of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The NGOs call upon the European Union to support the work of the Office, by increasing its ordinary budget as a way to strengthen the impact of its work and cooperation by all States.

November 22, 2013

Международные эксперты за права российских НКО.

Российский закон «об иностранных агентах» не соответствует международно-правовым стандартам, а отношение власти к некоммерческим организация нуждается в переосмыслении и реконструкции.
К такому выводу пришли организаторы и участники круглого стола «Развитие некоммерческого законодательства. Международный опыт», прошедшего 31 октября в Москве.

November 21, 2013

Women human rights defenders even more at risk

Human rights defenders and their NGOs working on the rights of women or related to gender face more and more risk, including those working on sexual rights, such as the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people (LGBT). The United Nations needs to send a strong signal.