Statsbudsjettet 2022: Styrket FN, sivilt samfunn, menneskerettighetsforsvarere, med vekt på Europa
Over en rekke år har vi sett at gapet mellom internasjonale standarder og nasjonal etterlevelse av menneskerettigheter blir større. Les HRHFs anbefalinger til Utenriks- og forsvarskomiteen nedenfor.
Innspill til den nye regjeringens utenrikspolitikk
Respekten for og nasjonal etterlevelse av menneskerettighetene og de internasjonale mekanismene som skal ivareta dem er blitt svekket de siste ti-årene. Les HRHFs anbefalinger til Norges nye regjeringsplattform.
HRHF Annual Report 2020
2020 was a year of unprecedented challenges in the wake of COVID-19. In our annual report, discover how Human Rights House Foundation and the network of Human Rights Houses adapted to meet these new challenges and continue our work together to advance human rights at home and abroad.
HRHF Annual Report 2019/20
Discover in our 2019/20 annual report how Human Rights House Foundation protected and advanced the rights of human rights defenders, strengthened independent civil society, and supported a strong, active network of Human Rights Houses.
Concerns about responses by state authorities to the global COVID-19 crisis
The network of Human Rights Houses is concerned by recent actions on the part of state authorities across western and eastern Europe, the western Balkans, and the Caucasus in response to the escalating COVID-19 crisis. These actions, taken to combat the rising number of infections and deaths associated with COVID-19, raise questions about states’ commitments to civic freedoms and human rights.
Head of Administration and Finance, Oslo
Human Rights House Foundation seeks an experienced manager to lead its operations related to finance, administration, fundraising, logistics, and human resources. The Head of Administration and Finance is one of four senior leadership positions within the organisation and is responsible for managing the provision of critical administrative and finance support functions to ensure the efficient planning and implementation of HRHF’s international operations and programmes.
Georgian photographer wins Portraits of Strength Competition
On Friday 17 January 2020, the “Portraits of Strength” jury unanimously chose Georgian photographer Salome Sagaradze’s photograph of Baia Pataraia of Human Rights House Tbilisi as the competition’s winner.
HRHF Annual Report 2018/19
Discover how Human Rights House Foundation protected and advanced the rights of human rights defenders, strengthened independent civil society, and supported a strong, active network of Human Rights Houses.
HRHF calls for Norway to increase support for OHCHR and independent civil society
HRHF’s director Maria Dahle addressed the Norwegian parliament on 15 October 2018, appealing for a significant increase in earmarked support for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and for support to independent civil society.