Documentary on prison torture
Documentary by Nenad Puhovski «Lora – testimonies» had its first run on Friday, October 15th within the Human Rights Film Festival in Zagreb. The documentary shows shocking testimonies of torture inside the Croatian military prison «Lora» during the war. (OCT-17-04)
Court efficiency and human rights
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) – Canadian section in co-operation with Croatian Helsinki Committee and Croatian Law Centre organized national and regional conference in Bjelolasica, Republic of Croatia, in order to present results of the project «Impartiallity and independence of judiciary». (11-OCT-04)
National day to combat violence against women
The Croatian government has proposed to its Parliament that September 22nd should be the National Day to combat violence against Women. (20-SEP-04)
Open Society Institute interested in HRH project
On Wednesday, 8th of September 2004, Open Society Institute in the Republic of Croatia organized a meeting with NGO representatives invovled in the emergence of Human Rights House in Zagreb. Topic of the discussion was the Roma project and the possibilities of co-operation between the partners and the Open Society Institute. (10-SEP-2004)
New tax legislation hits Croatian NGO’s hard
NGO´s in the Republic of Croatia must now pay value added tax (VAT) on all foreign donations they receive. This recent government decision undermines the very exixtence of NGO´s in the Republic of Croatia. (-13-JULY-04)