

May 14, 2007

Traveling for Human Rights

The Helsinki Committees from Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, FYR Macedonia and Montenegro will organize traveling regional school of human rights for youth, first of that kind in the region. Starting on Friday, 18 May, the one-week school will invite more than 20 activists of the Helsinki Youth Groups to visit the places most affected by recent wars in the region. (14-MAY-07)

May 14, 2007

Danijel Ivin is the new president of the Croatian Helsinki Commitee

After six years of continuos presidency of Zarko Puhovski, the Croatian Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights now has a new president. On plenary session held on Friday, 11th May, Danijel Ivin, one of the founders of the organisation became the new president of the Croatian Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights.(14-MAY-07) 

April 18, 2007

Monitoring prisons in Croatia

Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and Women´s Group B.a.B.e. will monitor situation in prisons in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the project is to improve the overall situation regarding the respect of fundamental rigths of prisoners, and the conditions in which they serve their sentences. The realization of the year-long project, funded by the Open Society Institute, will start in the coming period. (18-APR-07)

March 7, 2007

B.a.B.e. are opening the first safe house for women in Vukovar

B.a.B.e. are about to open the first shelter in Vukovarsko-srijemska County for women and children, victims of domestic violence. After a year of preparatory activities within the years long programme LEGALINE and a project aiming to provide legal counselling and psychological support, B.a.B.e. announced that the shelter will be opened in a couple of months. (07-MAR-07).

February 23, 2007

Constitutional Court: Separate classes for Roma not racially motivated

By the opinion of the Consitutional Court reached yesterday, the decision to form separate classes with diminished programme of education for Roma children in Medjimurska County was justified since their knowledge of Croatian is poor. 

February 8, 2007

War crime trials need improvements

Great number of in absentia trials, as well as re-trials, indictments lacking in clarity, unstandardized practice of holding in custody and inadequate support to witnesses and victims, remain to be the most important shortcomings of war crime trials conducted before Croatian courts, stands in the Monitoring Report of the War Crime Trials for 2006, presented today by the Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights, Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Documenta and Civic Committee for Human Rights. (01-FEB-07)

November 30, 2006

Network meeting in Zagreb

The Human Rights House Network has now held its annual meeting in Zagreb. The meeting was dedicated to our common vision, strategies and programs as a product of of the evaluation process that the Network has finalized this autumn. The representatives from the Balkans, Caucasus, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the United Kingdom where gathered in order to re-defining our regional programs in accordance with the Network´s general vision and strategies.(29-NOV-06)    

November 2, 2006

Human Rights House Network in Zagreb

The three Croatian Human Rights organisations; B.a.b.e. – Group for Women´s Human Rights, the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and the Croatian Law Centre will on this Thursday and Friday host representatives from the Human Rights House Network in Zagreb. The International Conference on “Discrimination and anti-discrimination policies” have participation the Balkans, Caucasus, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Network will also hold it annual meeting. (21-NOV-06)

June 5, 2006

Maria Dahle visiting HRH Zagreb

After almost two years Maria Dahle, the Executive Director of the Human Rights House  Foundation visited Zagreb to follow-up the establishment of a Human Rights House in Zagreb. Five years of continuos efforts to set up the House finally yield fruits as the emergence of HRH Zagreb reached it´s final stages. (21-JUN-06)