

March 9, 2009

Persons with disabilities facing employment problems

Inadequate educational system for persons with disabilities and consenquently, incoherence of educational programmes with labor market needs in the Republic of Croatia, make persons with disabilities in the Republic of Croatia marginalized and left to their own.

March 5, 2009

Lecture: Availability rights

Availability as basic human right of persons with disabilities

February 17, 2009

Human Rights School

Educating youth on human rights issues

February 5, 2009


The Role of Youth in Peace Building Process

February 4, 2009

Architecture Advisory Council: Life without barriers

The Architecture Advisory Council in the Republic of Croatia is envisioned as a bureau where persons with disabilities and other interested citizens can get free professional advice regarding architectonic adjustments to people with disabilities. The Advisory Council provides professional help, not only to individuals and professioal institutions, but to other organizations that work on the disability issue as well.

February 2, 2009

Judicial harassment of war crimes reporter continues

Reporters Without Borders condemns the charge that was brought yesterday at the behest at interior minister Tomislav Karamarko against a journalist who writes about war crimes in the 1990s. Zeljko Peratovic is accused of “disseminating information likely to upset the population” under article 322/1 KZA of the criminal code, which carries a maximum sentence of a year in prison as well as a possible fine.

February 2, 2009

Lectures on human rights

Availability – Basic Human Right

January 30, 2009

First case on domestic violence solved positively

The first case on domestic violence that B.a.B.e. has sent to the European Court for Human Rights has been solved positively. The Republic of Croatia is obliged to pay 40 000 Euros to the family, right, of the deceased, and 1 300 Euros of allowance for the expenses of the request and correspondence with the European court.

January 29, 2009

Amnesty International: Briefing on Republic of Croatia

During its meeting between 16 March and 3 April 2009, the Human Rights Committee is scheduled to discuss its future examination of the second periodic report of the government of the Republic of Croatia on measures undertaken to give effect to the rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).