When: Saturday, 21. February 2009
To: Sunday, 1. March 2009
Where: Trogir, Croatia
Host: Center for Peace Studies Zagreb, Mlada MIRamiDA and Legalis
Contact: CMS (skola.ljudskih.prava@gmail.com)
More info: www.cms.hr

CMS, Mlada MIRamiDA and Legalis are organizing 19th Human Rights School for highschool pupils, with aim to educate young people on theory and idea of human rights, principles of democracy, tolerance, solidarity, non-violent communication and also, how to develope critical thinking. 

Project "Human Rights School" dates from year 2000 and it is a part of regional project of human rights schools for Western Balkan, which is being implemented in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia.