End legal proceedings against lawyer Intigam Aliyev
Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders call upon the President of the Republic of Turkey to ensure that all charges against Azerbaijani human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev are immediately and unconditionally dropped and compensation for the acts of ill-treatment he suffered in Ataturk Airport provided.
Human rights situation worsened after Eurovision
In the aftermath of the Eurovision Song Contest, the Azerbaijani authorities have targeted critical journalists and activists.
HRHF raises situations in Azerbaijan and Russia at UN
“The Eurovision Song Contest ended in Baku but in Azerbaijan repression continues,” Human Rights House Foundation said at the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Serious concerns about the right to freedom of expression and media freedom in Azerbaijan
NGOs call for the government of Azerbaijan to take measures to ensure the right to freedom of expression
Azerbaijan: Council of Europe needs to take action
The rapidly deteriorating human rights situation clearly demonstrate Azerbaijan’s unwillingness to fully implement its human rights commitments.
Freedom of Expression Situation Worsens in Aftermath of Eurovision
In the aftermath of the Eurovision Song Contest, Azerbaijani authorities have targeted critical journalists and activists and adopted legislation which contradicts international freedom of information principles. These moves occur against the backdrop of an overall alarming freedom of expression situation, which must be urgently addressed
Photographer in Azerbaijan detained for his professional work
Human Rights House Foundation calls for the immediate and unconditional release of photographer Mehman Huseynov.
Azerbaijan: HRHF briefing note submitted to Council of Europe Committee of Ministers
The government of Azerbaijan does not fulfil its obligations to ensure freedom of expression. The commitment to guarantee freedom of expression in the country was made by Azerbaijan to become a member of the Council of Europe. The status of freedom of expression in Azerbaijan has however deteriorated in recent years
Azerbaijani youth activist released
The Azerbaijani blogger and youth activist Bakhtiyar Hajiyev was released Monday, one year after he was imprisoned on political grounds.