

March 28, 2023

Call for applications: 2023 Advocacy Training Programme for network of Human Rights Houses

Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) invites advocates and human rights defenders from the network of Human Rights Houses to apply for the first Advocacy Training Programme which will take place between June and December 2023. Apply by 16 April 2023.

March 6, 2023

House-to-House project fund 2023: Call for applications (Deadline expired)

The application deadline for this opportunity has now expired. The House-to-House Project Fund provides support for collaborative initiatives to advance human rights priorities in countries with Human Rights Houses.

December 9, 2022

“The Human being is the Highest Value” – Young Armenians explore the Constitution & human rights through short films

Over the course of several months in 2022, young Armenians explored the importance of human rights in Armenia’s constitution and other issues in society through 30 short films produced as part of a project organised by “Open Platform for Art” NGO and PEN Armenia.

December 8, 2022

Donate – Help build a home for civil society in Armenia

Human Rights House Yerevan is close to completing the renovation of its premises – the home of Armenia’s human rights defenders – and you can help by donating today.

October 31, 2022

Reconnecting in times of crises: House Treff 2022

For three days in September, representatives of the network of Human Rights Houses met in Vilnius, Lithuania for House Treff 2022. This event marked the first time that the Houses were able to reconnect in-person following several years of unprecedented world events. Together, they discussed how the network can address the impact of these world events and meet common challenges together.

September 19, 2022

HRHF Annual Report 2021

In 2021, Human Rights House Foundation and the network of Human Rights Houses worked in partnership to meet human rights challenges across Europe from the Thames to the Caspian. Find out how we did this and continued our work together to advance human rights at home and abroad.

July 20, 2022

Celebrating free expression & cultural ties between Armenia and Georgia – Burning Poet(s)

In June 2022, a series of events organised by PEN Armenia, PEN Georgia and PEN America, and entitled “Burning Poet(s)” was held in Armenia highlighting and celebrating the cultural ties between Armenia and Georgia, and bringing the literary communities of both countries together to highlight free expression and human rights in the South Caucasus.

April 26, 2022

House-to-House 2022: Call for applications

Human Rights House Foundation announces a call for applications to House-to-House Project Fund 2022. HRHF welcomes all Human Rights Houses, their member organisations as well as organisations and actors from outside of the network to apply for funding.

February 8, 2022

What’s next for Europe’s young democracies

Watch the full recording of “What’s next for Europe’s young democracies: a civil society perspective”, a virtual event hosted on 8 February 2022.