«Крытычная маса» ў Мінску скончылася брутальнымі затрыманнямі ўдзельнікаў
У апошнюю пятніцу месяца раварысты многіх краін ладзяць масавы заезд «Крытычная маса». Такім чынам яны хочуць звярнуць на сябе ўвагу гарадскіх уладаў і змусіць зрабіць горад зручнейшым для велатранспарту. Такі ж заезд прайшоў у Мінску 29 красавіка і скончыўся затрыманнямі і вобшукамі.
Azerbaijan: Independent Media Under Unprecedented Attack
On World Press Freedom Day, 3 May 2016, Sports for Rights and 18 international NGOs condemn the Azerbaijani authorities’ relentless crackdown on independent media and other critical voices.
Khadija Ismayil awarded on World Press Freedom Day
Khadija Ismayil is an independent investigative journalist in Azerbaijan. Since 5 December 2014, she is behind bars in her country, solely due to her reporting.
CoE Secretary General proposes a mechanism to address reprisals against human rights defenders
Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland has proposed to establish a mechanism to strengthen the protection of human rights defenders in his third annual report. HRHN acknowledges and welcomes this proposal.
Sports for Rights urges performers to cancel Baku shows
In June, Azerbaijan will host the Formula One European Grand Prix, despite the on-going crackdown on human rights. The Sport for Rights campaign, of which Human Rights House Network is member, urges Pharell Williams, Enrique Iglesias and Chris Brown to cancel their proposed performances connected to the event.
Belarusian justice against the UN. Who will win?
On 25 April the human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka has lodged a complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee in a case against Ašmiany customs officers, who confiscated his laptop and printed materials during the personal search on the Lithuanian border. The activist has exhausted all domestic remedies, including the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General.
Беларускае правасуддзе супраць ААН. Чыя возьме?
25 красавіка праваабаронца Леанід Судаленка (на фота) звярнуўся з індывідуальнай скаргай у Камітэт ААН па правах чалавека па справе супраць Ашмянскай мытні, якая год таму правяла асабісты дагляд і канфіскавала ноўтбук ды іншыя друкаваныя носьбіты інфармацыі. Унутры краіны праваабаронца выкарыстаў усе магчымыя сродкі прававой абароны, уключаючы Вярхоўўны Суд і Генеральнага пракурора.
UN World Press Freedom Day
“I call on everyone to stand united in defending and encouraging press freedom and the right to access to information. This is essential for human rights and dignity, for our aspirations for sustainable development, for common determination to build lasting peace.” Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova
and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
Human rights must underpin EU Global Strategy
The EU is set to adopt a new Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy in June 2016. “Addressing human rights violations and the shrinking space for civil society should not be optional for the EU; it should be the fundamental basis for its foreign and security policy,” states Florian Irminger, Head of Advocacy at HRHN.
HRDN Statement on EU Global Strategy
The Human Rights and Democracy Network has issued a joint statement calling for human rights to underpin the EU’s Global Strategy.
The presentation of the book “Travlia”
The presentation of the book “Travlia” (“Manhunt”) by Sasha Filipenko, the writer and journalist, the winner of the “Russian Award” 2014 will take place on 4 May.
Back Home: Film screening and HRHN discussion on Crimea
As part of One World Film Festival in Brussels, members of the Human Rights House Kiev will take part in a panel discussion on the human rights situation in Crimea. HRHN will live tweet the discussion.
Mariya Tomak, Civic activist and journalist, Centre for Civil Liberties, Ukraine; Tetyana Pechonchyk, Human rights defender, head of board at Human Rights Information Centre, Ukraine.
Andrew Rettman, EU Observer.
This will follow the screening of Back Home, a documentary covering filmmaker Inna Denisova’s return to her native region on the Crimean peninsula after the annexation by Russia. The film also features footage from the trial of imprisoned director and activist Oleg Sentsov.