

May 21, 2009

Arrests for Graffiti

“Freedom to political prisoners! Freedom to Autukhovich!” – Piotr Ruzau, a youth activist, wrote on a wall of a meat packing plant and was arrested for that by police on May 13.

May 21, 2009

Seminar for Women

Get to know your rights, herstory, empower yourself and activate

May 20, 2009

Continued violence against journalists symptomatic of ongoing repression in South Caucasus

ARTICLE 19 is becoming increasingly concerned that acts of violence against journalists in the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan d Georgia are on the rise. Previous attacks have seen a lack of independent and prompt investigation, creating a climate of impunity for the perpetrators and fear amongst journalists working in these countries.

May 20, 2009

Seminar: Unjust and inefficient? Dublin II and the right to asylum in Europe

Nobel Peace Center and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee invite to a seminar and the opening of a photo exhibition ‘Waiting Room’ by Linda Bournane Engelberth.

May 20, 2009

EP Elections 2009: Local Media – Europe Wide

The 6th session of Vilnius Media Seminar will focus on the role of new media in the 2009 election campaign to the European Parliament: «Local Media – Europe Wide».

May 19, 2009

Беларускі назіральнік: “Нас лучыла павага да закону”

17 траўня Літва выбірала новага прэзідэнта. За хадой выбараў сёлета назіралі і маладыя беларусы – прадстаўнікі беларускіх грамадскіх арганізацый і студэнты Еўрапейскага гуманітарнага універсітэта.

May 19, 2009

Арышты за графіці

“Свабоду палітвязням! Свабоду Аўтуховічу!” – пісаў на сцяне мясакамбіната актывіст апазіцыйнай моладзевай арганізацыі Пётр Рузаў, і быў затрыманы за гэта міліцыяй.

May 19, 2009


10 years have passed since one of the leaders of Belarusian opposition Yury Zakharanka has mysteriously disappeared. This is how the whole sequence of similar disappearances of the people well-known in the country began. It is still unknown where those people are and what happened to them. The authorities answer the question “where?” with arrests and violence.

May 19, 2009

“When a woman is slapped, she forgets that she was the cause of it.”

Scandalous statement declared by the representative of the House of Peoples in Federal Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Muharem Serbezovski (on right) publicly condemned by NGO sector in B&H.

May 19, 2009

Belarusian-Lithuanian solidarity concert

Belarusian HRH in Vilnius will host a solidarity concert of Belarusian and Lithuanian guitar singers.

May 18, 2009

HRHN presents the 2008 Annual report

The Human Rights House Network has published the 2008 Annual report, which gives an overview of the Network’s activities in 2008.

May 18, 2009

Women in Macedonia promoting unity

MWRC is implementing the project “Get familiar with each other, act and promote unity”, which has the aim to improve women’s position in Macedonian society. Project envisions several joint workshops, creation of Women NGO Council and establishment of the network of women NGOs on local level.