

May 13, 2009


10 гадоў мінула, як таямніча знік адзін з лідэраў беларускай апазіцыі Юры Захаранка. Гэтак у Беларусі распачалася цэлая чарада падобных знікненняў вядомых у краіне людзей. Дзе яны і што з імі – дагэтуль невядома. На пытанне: “Дзе?” – улады адказваюць арыштамі і гвалтам.

May 13, 2009

Political prisoner dying in Belarusian prison

The state of health of political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich worsened sharply and comes close to critical. The prisoner who went on hunger-strike has been joined by 29 democratic activists.

May 13, 2009

4th X-PRESS Session

“Roma women – our sisters”

May 12, 2009

Megjashi appeals to Government: Protect the children

The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi, reacts on more frequent cases of family defilement and sexual abuse of children in FYR Macedonia, as well as on the inappropriate treatment towards the children-victims of incest and pedophilia.

May 12, 2009

У беларускай турме памірае палітвязень

Стан здароўя палітвязня Мікалая Аўтуховіча рэзка пагоршыўся і набліжаецца да крытычнага. Да галадоўкі палітвязня далучыліся яшчэ 29 чалавек.

May 12, 2009

Summer Camp in Italy

“CreARTing common Europe”

May 11, 2009

-In Congo, sexual violence is a weapon of war

-In Eastern DR Congo, sexual violence is definitely used as a weapon of war, says Bernard Kalume, a public information officer for MONUC, the UN Mission in Congo. Kalume, who visited Norway recently, calls for more international attention to one of the world’s most serious crises. 75% of the rapes committed worldwide happen in Congo. And even if we will never know theexact figures, a reasonable estimate is that several hundred thousand women have been raped – so far.

May 11, 2009

UN Security Council to visit Africa

The United Nations Security Council should focus on the protection of civilians, justice, and human rights during its upcoming visit to Africa, from May 14-21, 2009, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to the council member states.

May 11, 2009

ARTICLE 19 calls on new EU partnership to probe attacks on freedom of expression

Following the launch of the European Union (EU)’s Eastern Partnership on 7 May, ARTICLE 19 calls on the EU to keep protection for human rights and freedom of expression at the heart of the Eastern Partnership and its dialogue.

May 11, 2009

Botswana’s president asked to go easy on Al-Bashir

A Sudanese legislator has said that Botswana’s president Ian Khama’s position that Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir should be brought before the International Criminal Court is perhaps due to the fact that Botswana has never experienced ethnic violence and violent confrontation with government.

May 11, 2009

New declaration in Croatia: Youth and Peacebuilding

The conference “The Role of Youth in Peace Building Process” was organized in Donja Stubica, in the end of March this year. As a result of the conference, participants have made a declaration on the role of youth in peace building processes, which will be the basis of advocating for institutional and legal changes on national and European level.

May 11, 2009

Allowed to men but not to women?

In spite of formal gender equality, considering women’s equal political rights is something a long way away for the Belarusian leadership. A round table discussion in HRH-Vilnius brings interesting facts about gender relations and attempts of power succession from father to son in the Republic of Belarus.