

May 25, 2009

Sudan’s parliament debates harsh new press law

Reporters Without Borders and Sudanese lawyer and parliamentarian Salih Mahmoud Osman, winners in 2005 and 2007 of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, have made a plea for amendments to be made to a harsh draft law on the written press currently going through parliament.

May 25, 2009

HRH Zagreb building soon to be equipped

By signing the Contract on temporary usage of two buildings in the street Selska in Zagreb, for the needs of the association Human Rights House Zagreb (HRH Zagreb), Mayor of the city of Zagreb, Milan Bandic and President of the Board of HRH Zagreb, Sanja Sarnavka, have marked the beginning of activities regarding the elaboration of the building envisioned for HRH Zagreb usage.

May 25, 2009

Catalogue of vacancies for persons with disabilities

The president of the APEO and of the Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons Association (HSUTI), Mirjana Dobranovic and her associates, participated last week in Zagreb in a presentation of the “Catalogue of vacancies for persons with disabilities”. Catalogue offers the database of vacancies for persons with disabilities and set of how-tos for employers regarding the employment of the adequate person with disability for an unoccupied position.

May 25, 2009

Series of round tables “Human rights and legal incapability”

The round table is aimed at discussion problems of disqualified people’s right protection and development of possible ways of reforming of the current legislation with due consideration of the lay of the land. The event is organized by Federal Ombudsman of Russia, Independent psychiatric association of Russia and International non-government organization Psychiatric Center for Human Rights and Russia Society of Psychiatrists. Lawyers, psychiatrists, representatives of state bodies, of guardianship and wardship authority, human rights activists, etc. are to take part in the discussion.

May 23, 2009

Professor Zbigniew Hołda passed away on May 20, 2009

Professor Zbigniew Hołda was the Vice-President of the Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and a member of the Helsinki Committee in Poland. He was a distinguished scholar, attorney and defender of human rights. He specialized in criminal law and criminal enforcement law and worked as a professor of law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Before 1989 he was active member of the „Solidarity” movement in Lublin. During the state of Martial Lawe he was in internment.

May 22, 2009

Letter in support of Leanid Svetsik

A criminal case against Leanid Svetsik was sent to court. Who and when would be judging a human rights defender from Viciebsk is yet to be decided. However, one of the charges against Svetsik was dropped during an official investigation and it gives hopes that a trial and sentence would be fair. A letter sent to the Supreme Court Chair-Justice of Republic of Belarus Valyantsin Sukala by the president of Belarusian Human Rights House Barys Zvozskau stressed these important points.

May 22, 2009

Belarusian observer: “Respect for law united us”

On 17 May Lithuania was electing a new president. This year young Belarusians, civil society activists and students of European Humanities University, were observing the Election Day.

May 22, 2009

Australia: Impotent censors

The Australian government’s ignorance about the Internet is impeding attempts to ban online content, says John Ozimek

May 22, 2009

Empowering and activating women in B&H

CURE Foundation has organized four-day seminar for young girls from Doboj, Teslic and Maglaj, as part of the activities envisioned by the initiative „Knowing your rights and herstory, empower and activate yourself!“

May 22, 2009

Ліст у падтрымку Леаніда Свеціка

Крымінальная справа супраць Леаніда Свеціка накіраваная ў суд. Хто і калі будзе судзіць віцебскага праваабаронцу, пакуль што невядома. Аднак той факт, што ў час афіцыйнага следства адно з двох абвінавачванняў са Свеціка знятае, цешыць і дае надзею на справядлівасць разбірання і прысуду. Пра гэта вядзецца гаворка ў лісце Прэзідэнта Беларускага Дому правоў чалавека Барыса Звозскава Старшыні Вярхоўнага Суду РБ Валянціну Сукалу.

May 22, 2009

In support of Leanid Svetsik

A criminal case against Leanid Svetsik was sent to court. Who and when would be judging a human rights defender from Viciebsk is yet to be decided. However, one of the charges against Svetsik was dropped during an official investigation and it gives hopes that a trial and sentence would be fair. A letter sent to the Supreme Court Chair-Justice of Republic of Belarus Valyantsin Sukala by the president of Belarusian Human Rights House Barys Zvozskau stressed these important points.

May 22, 2009

10th Anniversary of Renesansa

Ceremony organized by Renesansa