

September 4, 2009

Russian human rights defenders at risk again

Human Rights Watch insists that Russian authorities should take urgent steps to ensure the safety of activists from the human rights group Memorial and investigate suspicious activities that may threaten their safety.

September 4, 2009

Human rights activists qualified power agents in the North Caucasus as “death squadrons”

Russian human rights activists discussed their concerns about the situation in the North Caucasus where torture, kidnappings, illegal prisons and extrajudicial executions are become integral elements.

September 3, 2009

Macedonian Women’s Rights Center publishes analysis of legal framework in Macedonia

Macedonian Woman’s Rights Center – MWRC has published an “Assessment of Legal Acts and Mechanisms Against Marginalization and Discrimination of Women”, an analysis reviewing all legislation relating to the right to free legal aid and methods of its implementation. This way, MWRC has worked out the positive legislation regarding the instruments of protection of victims of domestic violence, all within their long-term project of Free Legal Aid.

September 2, 2009

Problems with polish act on equal treatment

Since few years in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and in the office of Government’s Agent for Equal Treatment lasts legislation work on the proposal of an act on equal treatment. Its main aim is to implement the EU directives concerning the rule of non-discrimination into polish law.

September 2, 2009

HRHN calls for investigation of HR defender’s death in custody

The Human Rights House Foundation (Oslo, Norway) sent a letter of concern to the Azerbaijani authorities today asking them to investigate the death in custody of human rights defender Novruzali Mammadov. The letter was supported by more than 26 member organisations of the Human Rights House Network.

September 2, 2009

Concerning the death of Novruzali Mammadov

The Human Rights House Foundation condemns the death in custody of Novruzali Mammadov, the Editor-in-Chief of Taloshi Sado newspaper and head of the Talysh Cultural Center, and urges the Azerbaijani authorities to conduct a thorough, impartial, and transparent investigation into his death.

September 1, 2009

Newspaper editor dies in prison

On 17 August, 68-year-old Novruzali Mammadov, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper “Tolishi Sado”, died in prison. Mammadov was serving a ten-years’ prison term under article 274 (treachery) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan Republic.

August 31, 2009

ICC set to take over poll chaos trials in Kenya

The International Criminal Court could decide to take over trials of key poll chaos suspects after meeting a government delegation at the end of September.

August 29, 2009

Human rights defenders asked to defend police from KGB

A rare, if not the first, case in the vast practice of Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC) was registered recently – it was asked to defend two officials who fell victims of a law enforcement agencies struggle – KGB versus police. Relatives of two police officers from the Homiel region (south-east Belarus), who were arrested during the so-called ‘hunting’ case, asked BHC to defend their interests. Plaintiffs believe that KGB violated the rights of the said police officers.

August 29, 2009

Праваабаронцаў просяць абараніць міліцыянтаў ад КДБ

Рэдкі, калі не першы такі выпадак у практыцы Беларускага Хельсінскага камітэта (БХК) – яго просяць абараніць ад пераследу службовых асобаў, якія пацярпелі ў ходзе супрацьстаяння дзвюх сілавых структур – МУС і КДБ. Да БХК звярнуліся родныя міліцыянтаў Гомельшчыны, арыштаваных у ходзе нашумелай т.зв. “паляўнічай” справы. Заяўнікі мяркуюць, што ў дачыненні да іх сваякоў з боку КДБ маюць месца парушэнні правоў чалавека.

August 28, 2009

Do hunters enjoy freedom of speech?

Proceedings against a journalist and a member of the Polish Hunting Association (PZŁ) are pending before the Circuit Hunting Tribunal in Warsaw. The latter was brought before a peer tribunal for informing the public about irregularities in one of the local hunting associations.

August 28, 2009

Meeting of the Editorial Group for UPR

Review of the NGO Report for UPR of B&H